I don't.
Does Free Will Allow Evil?
by writetoknow 32 Replies latest watchtower bible
Writetoknow, you seem to have done a cut, paste and run. I wonder why?
no reason, however, that seems to be the "big put down" on this site.
Mainly because it is so intellectually hollow, but perhaps because most people would like to know what other people think.
If you have a conversation with someone do you, in lieu of actually conversing, just pass them articles to read?
No actual I don't as I am certain you don't! But that is point - as your question is not sincere most people on the forum have their mind-set and they only have one purpose. And that is to prove their point!
So what is your point?
Am I correct is concluding that love = obedience and evil = disobedience based on that article?
Am I correct is concluding that love = obedience and evil = disobedience based on that article?
Even in italics, this makes absolutely no sense..............?
that command is not practical because among other things, it takes away free will. How do you feel if I told you, commanded that, you must love me, and if you do not, I will kill you?
Yes, blueblades! The only logical answer. If you truly have free will, then there is no punishment for whichever road you choose. The definition of free will is...."determination of one's own fate or course of action without compulsion."
Or....."the power of making free choices unconstrained by external agencies." I'd certainly say that hell-fire, a vengeful God, being thrown into a lake of fire, or destroyed at Armageddon would be considered "external agencies."
Perspective is a critical factor.
Is punishment evil?
If you choose to harm someone, does it make any difference to the victim whether or not your reasons are deemed 'good' by you? For example Hitler convinced others and himself that he had 'good' reason and those who killed Germans convinced themselves that they had 'good' reason.
There are many levels to this!
It is why some such as Buddhists believe in a harm none philosophy.
It seems to me to be Jesus message in claiming to have the power of God but letting others kill him.
Few people I have ever met though are able to not take pleasure from seeing someone else suffer whom they deem has done something wrong.
That fact depresses me because essentially it infers that the hidden will of most of humankind is similar to the visible will of those they brand evil.