Well, I wasn't there during the dates you're looking or, but, I could go on for hours....as have other ex-Bethelites...I'm not exactly a true conformist...so it didn't take but a few MINUTES to understand that $ 14.00 does not buy a months worth of BEER....I was there in '69 - 72!/2 ...came in the week of the 'HOMO CLEAN-UP"....they missed a few!
One of the things I did there required me to go to EVERY Bethel office /Dept. in the home 4x a day and the factory 2x a day...Inter-dept correspondence, they called it...WOW! heard and saw a lot...also got alot of contacts for g-jobs...I kind of went overboard for outside work...I worked more hours outside than in...for a few years I averaged 119 hours a week!! Had 19 Bethelites working for me! I drove a '69 Mustang Boss 302...had NO bethel furmiture in my room....nice bar and living room furniture....NO BEDS!...Why SLEEP? when you can work?.. Anyway I'll spend some time in the future on some stories..( I was actually in the Writing Dept. delivering mail when Dunlap was arguing over the time lines WTBS was using and what he found)...Used to play basketball with Ray Franz...Was friends with Dan Sydlik...I still have a painting he did for me..Lots more in the future...gotta go to work!!!!!