This is an out there discussion, and probably running a little ahead of the organisation but..... Ever since Rutherford took charge, the organisation has over shadowed the actual "hands on" worship, i.e. in one year alone, it was pointed out on this forum, if a witness read all of the literature and the bible as prescribed, it would be like 120 pages of the bible and over 3000 pages of watchtower printed material. That seems crazy to me. Anyway, when we look at the various power struggles between the GB(FDS) and The WBTS over the last century, is it possible that the FDS will cease to use the WBTS as its legal tool and replace it? Simply saying new light has come forth and we no longer will be trading under that name. Will, your brothers, The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, replace your brothers the WBTS? Crazy you might say, but the thing that makes me think this is 2 things primarily. 1. The possibility that the WBTS could be bankrupted by pedophile claims and other lawsuits based on DFing and Blood transfusions. 2. The fact that the GB has resigned from the WBTS is a major major change and one born from fear of legal attack. The reality is we are now under financial attack and have been in europe for at least 10 years, thats why anything that made a profit has gone, food at conventions, paying for literature, moving the French branch to England. In reality, the WBTS of France no longer operates, its now just a service department, if this was to happen globally, what would the result be? No WBTS. The GB know this, the change in title of DF'ing to no longer a witness is a classic move to decentralize this decision making process, " its up to the local elders". Could the changes made to the organizational set up in the 70's come to full maturity? Mark my words.( but feel free to criticize them)
Will the GB get rid of the WBTS?
by jefferywhat 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
is it possible that the FDS will cease to use the WBTS as its legal tool and replace it?
the FDS is unorganized and have no power or say in what goes on at the watchtower society.
the governing body is mostly old men who no longer function in any capacity. the few governing body members who are young enough to function are also young enough not to have any power.
who has the power? who runs the watchtower? ted jacarz? his posse? lawyers and financiers ?.
Nice setup old Ted has there!
OK, if the somebody steals this idea an announces it anytime after 17:40 PST 26 November 2007 I'm going to show up at the meeting and take credit for it.
The one thing that might really get their butts out of a sling would be to declare that a meeting of all 8000 members of the F&DS slave needs to take place, either with all present, tele-conferencing in, or certifying a proxy. The purpose would be to actually put the F&DS in charge of all God's belongings. The WTBS can be what it is: a publishing company which can print what it wants, which may include (but not limited to)items written by the anointed, comments from Blondie, questions from Minimus, recipes from your aunt Sally whatever. The F&DS would appoint a new GB to run day to day affairs, just like a board of directors but they'd be responsible to the somebody, ie the other 8000 (at minimum).
This would inable them to deal with new light/old light, pedophiles, taxes and lawsuits etc from an arm's length position. It would give them a logical reason to completely clean house and start over.
How's that for big ideas?
Good old ted jacarz is in charge of the service committee, but I know for a FACT that he is holding back alot of organizational changes. The new boys have bite, and we cant forget the past when looking to the future.
Rutherford wrestled power when he had no legal right and against a majority vote.
Franz and Knorr had to give up power despite being the president and vise president and against their wishes to the FDS.(GB)
For years the WBTS letters or secret meetings or CO talks have gone against the basic teachings of the Scriptures and the Watchtower articles, and we know this sends the Writing Dept. red hot mad.
I dont want to get to carried away, but I do think the FDS(GB) will rise up and retire the WBTS of its authority. -
I dont want to get to carried away, but I do think the FDS(GB) will rise up and retire the WBTS of its authority.
I'm trying to follow what you're saying, but I don't understand your designations. Here's what I understand them to be. Please tell me if you understand something different.
FDS - Faithful and Discreet Slave. The remnant of the anointed here on Earth today.
WTBTS - The Watchtower and Bible Tract Society. The main legal corporation that the Jehovah's Witnesses use to publish and distribute their literature as well as organize their religious activity.
GB - Governing Body. Currently nine men in New York who oversee the Jehovah's Witness religious organization. This is the highest level in the Jehovah's Witness hierarchy. They, as a committee, have final say on organizational and doctrinal matters.
I disagree with your prediction if you mean that the FDS, all of those that profess to be anointed and partake of the emblems, will rise up and take power away from the governing body. The partakers have no authority in the Jehovah's Witness hierarchy. They've been marginalized. If they spoke out against the governing body, they would be disfellowshipped. The society doesn't recognize their authroity over anything. That much was made clear in a recent QFR which said they don't have any more insight than your regular publisher. Also, they don't have any legal control over anything. They don't sit on the boards or committees of any of the legal corporations that the JWs use.
Am I misunderstanding you? If there is to be a coup in Bethel, it'll be be higher ups (but not necessarily partakers) in the religious organization that wrestle control away from the GB, people in position of control over their legal corporations and who are able to amass a following of other Bethelites to support them.
The worldwide printeries have some really nice machines. As long as they aren't losing money,
those machines will run. As long as those machines are running and making money, the
Governing Body will give them stuff to print or approve of what others are printing on them as if
it came from God Himself (the governing body).I do see the machines getting old over the next decade or two. I see the production of materials
slowing down while they try to squeeze money out of members to continue the operations.
I do see the day when printing this garbage, even with virtually-free (room and board) labor will
no longer sustain itself. That may happen in 20 years or (more likely) more than 50 years.Much could change at any time. Environmentalists could see how much WT garbage winds up in
the garbage without being read even once. They could cry for the trees and get WT presses shut
down. Labor laws could make WT presses shut down, having to pay wages to the volunteers or
worker's compensations and various other costs, setting up pensions in lieu of social security.Perhaps WT will switch everything to downloads for the congregation elders, so that all printing
costs will be passed on to local congregations. Each hall could have their own printer and send
donations to Mother for providing the content rather than the pages themselves. This would end the
need for anything but one ivory tower with some expert cut-and-paste writers and a staff of
lawyers, along with some staff. The Governing Body could simply move into a fine hotel and use the
waitstaff and drycleaners there. They could travel more often and be a burden to the members
wherever they visit, teleconferencing their Governing Body meetings from some Assembly Halls.I actually think that the presses will stop churning out garbage slowly but surely and cease within
30 years (sooner I hope). I think the GB will move out of Brooklyn to the Patterson compound, but
the compound won't be that populated. I think their move will come within 10 years when Brooklyn's
buildings have all been sold. -
Sorry neverendingjourney, I should clarify what I mean.
When I refer to FDS, I mean the GB( boys in NYC). As we all know, the FDS are the proverbial toothless tiger, the unknown, the silent witness.
So I refer to the GB as the FDS tongue in cheek. -
So you think that the governing body will do away with their legal corporations?
I guess it's possible. But I think it's unlikely. Let's face it. The governing body derives its power from their assets. They are able to publish their literature and maintain a support system which ensures that the local congregations are being run by the book because of their money. The circuit overseers, branch overseer, district overseers and so on, keep an eye on the congregations and report back to the governing body. The legal corporations have to be in place in order for them to receive, control, and administer the religion's assets. The corporations receive non-profit status to ensure that the donations they receive and the real properties they control aren't taxed.
If the governing body got rid of their corporations, it would leave the Jehovah's Witnesses in the dark. Who would publish the literature? How would the GB get out letters to the congregations instructing them how to run things? How would the circuit overseers who keep an eye on the local congregations be supported? It would be as if they were living under prohibition in a totalitarian state.
What changes is Ted holding back?