This is an ongoing discussion in our house. The last five years we have sneaked our pot grown, outside loving christmas tree upstairs into a corner of our bedroom on the last day of the school term. We have kept our blinds shut, so that no passing JW can see it and then, at the end of Christmas sneaked the tree back out in the garden again!
Last year the bloody thing had grown so big that it nearly took three of us out on the stairs, poked my eldest son and daughter in the eye and nearly broke the skateboard we transport it about on! This summer we repotted it into a much bigger plant pot! SO!!! This year, there is NO WAY any of us are risking life and limb to carry this, our traditional tree up the stairs! It's just NOT going to happen!
I am in a beligerent mood and wishing to finally dispose of our JW relatives once and for least some of the time! I want to put the Christmas Tree, fully lit and brightly decorated in the bay window room where it can be seen by all and sundry......trouble is, there's a family wedding coming up! ( complicated and I'm not going into the details here!) Let's just say, my daughters are to be bridesmaids and if we, are DF'd, there may be unpleasant scenes and consequences!
I say bugger it! What better thing can you be DF'd for than having a Christmas tree up! Imagine people asking you why your family refuse to go to the wedding and you tell them that it is because you had a Christmas tree up.
My husband is all for buying the biggest and brightest christmas tree he can find and liberating us once and for all. Trouble is, we're both quite nice people, least most of the time. And it does seem a shame to upset the my parents forever, once and for all...amen!
But it is just so tempting..........