What I Like About Most Of You Here & The 3 ...

by Celtic 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celtic

    A British Compliment ... Your'e ALL Soooo Preposterously Predantic!!

    One thing that always made me question JW thinking so much as a kid, were those 3 dots in quotes taken from professionals in the magazines. That space I always knew was a misrepresentation of facts and it interested me highly that to verify such comments was always most difficult in that position.

    That lil space I reckon was one of the reasons for my very first initial doubts at around 14. I would always go further in reading than most, past the scripture given in the body of the public talk to check out whether that was in fact what the scriptures were saying compared to the brothers comments.

    Hooray and cheers for a questioning mind. The borganisation put the very first seeds of doubt in my head and it only took 3 .'s to do it. Isn't it amazing how much you can learn from the seemingly very insignificant attention to detail?

    But you're all still preposterously predantic if you ask me!!



  • ISP

    Nice one Celtic glad you like it around here! I don't always know what you are on about in chat...but you're a good dude!

    Hey there was 3 dots in there!


  • ashitaka


    ............................................; ........and..........
    along with the awful..........................thanks for the.......................and the post too.


    "I pray that I may never see the desert again-hear me God."-Robert Bolt

  • Farkel

    As a world-reknowed scientist by the name of Bob...used to say, "...you should always...and never, under any circumstance should you...because if you do you'll..."

    (The above quote is a sneak preview from the next edition of an Awake! article on science.)


  • Amazing

    Hi Celtic: You say "Predantic!!" Shouldn't that be "Pedantic" meaning: "pedagogic" or book-learned? Thanks. - Amazing

  • Celtic

    Ai ISP, Nelly and Chimpgirl described me as like a moth on acid when I met them in London in the summer, what the hec, life is there for really living aint it?

    My apologies to all and sundry for my highly complex language structure. Even though I have not a qualification to my name, I still managed to study at depth quite a broad span of subject material in the past 6 years or so in search of my spirituality.

    Bottoms up!!


    PS Errrr no, predantic is definitely the fitting postulation, cheers anyway!! But I like you.

  • betweenworlds

    We're worse than....a.....Barbara....Cartland....novel.......

    "I....l-l-l-love....y-you" She said in barely more than a whisper.

    Shelli (Very guilty of the over use of dots)

    "The important thing is to not stop questioning" Albert Einstein

  • Seeker

    dictionary.com as well as the Concise Oxford, 10th Ed. have no listing for predantic. I did find this on Google:


    which seems to indicate it is a misspelling of pedantic. Perhaps this is an in-joke instead?

  • ISP

    Hi Celtic......I think you talk fast as well..as you have veered away from talking to me on the phone! LOL!


  • Xena

    Celtic....you know what the big words do to me...why oh why do you do this??? Tease

    Seriously though, I don't always follow your train of thought but I do enjoy the flow of words that stream from your keyboard!

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