fastfoward 20/20 were do you see the wts?

by karter 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • karter

    I'm sure it will be around but how big i don't know.

    As the older ones die off or become inactive there doesn't seem to be as many stepping up to take there place as one Elder said to me recently " Iv'e just come from a meeting at Bethal they talked a lot about how much of this generation we have lost it seems we have skipped a generation ".

    After alot of growth in the 80's and early 90's things seemed to have tailed off in the western world .

    In 1992 i helped build the KH i used to go to it was built to hold 250 it was about 3/4 full and growing now it has about 100 publishers they had 9 reg pioneers then now maybe 1 or 2 the enthusiasm seems to have faded at best.

    I went to the talk with my wife the other week (she still active) alot asleep or staring into space when i left after the talk the was alot of people milling around and talking in the lobby.

    What will happen in the future i don't know it's CO's vist this week everyone will get reved up but it seems to faid just as quick.

    Your thoughts??

  • dawg

    THey're doomed Karter.

    I believe God has made the internet to expose all fools, and the WT will no longer be able to hide their lies anymore. The recent molestation settlements are just the tip of the iceberg, more and more will step to the plate and expose the fact that they too were silenced.

    If i had known pre baptism about Beth Sarim, the false predictions, the use of aluminium being bad and so many other things that I can't mention, I'd of never been baptised. What kind of fool would believe thatr "God's spirit" would direct his chosen people into such foolishness?

    Here's what the org will be in 20 years, they will be pushed even further to the fringes, you'll always have some absoulte dumb asses fooled and still following, but it will be a fringe. I'd say maybe 20% that are active now will be in 20 years.

  • neverendingjourney

    I've held the belief for a few years now that there are only two possible roads the society might take. The society might decide to simply stop focusing on prophecy and chronology. Getting out of the doomsday prophecy business altogether would prevent future embarrassment. However, they would be faced with the task of keeping their membership from declining, which is likely to be the result without the promise of an imminent Armageddon to solve their problems. For this to be successful, they would have to break down their rigid structures and rules. There wouldn't be as much of an incentive for the rank and file to leave the religion if they were allowed to live more normal lives. Essentially, this would entail a complete mainstreaming of the religion.

    The other possibility is that they will dismantle their current prophetic structure and go about the task of creating a new prophetic paradigm. The Society would lose membership as a result, but they could retain the vast majority of their members if they find a way to claim that the change is part of some prophesized cleansing work. They might find new ways to extend Armageddon's "deadline" to some new point in the foreseeable future, while maintaining the possibility for it to arrive tomorrow. The society has had deadlines for all of its history. The last deadline was 1994, but it was done away with in 1995.

    All the society is doing at this point is buying itself a little more time. Maybe they still believe that Armageddon is truly just around the corner. If the JWs don't have reason to believe that Armageddon is right around the corner, what's to prevent them from leaving? They have virtually eliminated the carrot, but have retained a very heavy stick (which constantly beat their followers with). I think their current status is untenable. It's a matter of time before membership starts dropping, in my opinion. I suppose family and social pressure as well as the reluctance to accept the fact that your religious beliefs are wrong keeps a lot of them there. Regardless, as time goes on, I'll be watching from a distance to see which of these two approaches the society decides to adopt.

    In short, if the society decides to undergo mainstream changes, I think they will keep membership levels at their current levels. They may even increase in number. If they keep the status quo or if they re-interpret their doctrine, their numbers will definitely decline.

  • onacruse

    It's called the secularization of religion: As the original "true believing" core dies, or disintegrates, the vestiges of the social group carry on with a momentum of their own. Witness the Mormons and Seventh-Day Adventists.

    Eric Hoffer's The True Believer is an excellent read on this subject...and I've got to find out who still has the copy I loaned them.

  • nomoreguilt

    Neverendingjourney, you are awesome. I am totally amazed at the number of former and active jws here that have so much truly educated insight. The wts is reallly losing out on all of this with the hocus pocus gobbledygoop they've been giving us for so long. The comment that they've lost a generation means only one thing, they didn't lose a generation raised in the world, or that they harvested out of unbelievers. They lost a generation out of their own offspring. Until I faded away, the vast majority of baptismal candidates were our own children. And sorry to say I was guilty of contributing to that. Time will tell.

  • neverendingjourney

    Thanks for the compliment, nomoreguilt. There really is a lot of wisdom on this board. As you spend more time here, you will get to know and appreciate a lot of the long-time posters, as I have. There are many people here from whom I have learned a great deal from. I would name names, but I wouldn't want to leave anyone out. JWD has been of tremendous help in helping me get over my post-exit hangups.

    I am totally amazed at the number of former and active jws here that have so much truly educated insight. The wts is reallly losing out on all of this with the hocus pocus gobbledygoop they've been giving us for so long.

    There has been a trend in the Watchtower recently to simply their literature. In other words, to dumb it down. Their theological structure of prophecies, types/antitypes, and doctrines is about to fall like a house of cards. Their theology was centered around the concept of an invisible kingdom established in 1914 which was to be quickly followed up by the great tribulation and Armageddon. They built their entire belief system around this premise. Since it hasn't come true, they're trying to sweep it under the rug. They have not published any materials seriously exploring their deeper prophetic doctrines in years. The type of witness being held up as an example today isn't a studious or intellectual witness, it's a loyal and compliant one. If inquisitive JWs begin to ask hard questions, they are pressured into silence. I really don't think the society misses those who leave because their questions weren't satisfactorily answered. The collective result is that there has been a dumbing down of the religion from top to bottom. As intelligent witnesses have been getting passed over for promotion up the JW hierarchy for loyal, compliant witnesses, their material has begun to make less and less sense. The Society isn't looking for intelligence, they're looking for compliance. The society is losing out on a wealth of knowledge, but it's a wealth of knowledge they don't care to possess.

  • jaguarbass

    My thoughts. I was born in the cult back in the 50's. Information was hard to come buy. And the Wactower suppressed outside information.

    This is the information age. You have to be able to work a computer to make minimum wage nowadays.

    The computer in like pandoras box to the wactower.

    In the future Jw's will have to be very stupid, or very dishonest. Not a good combination for an enlighting spiritual revival or maybe thats how the pentecostals and born agains have been doing it all along.

  • mrsjones5

    dying out like the Shakers...may take longer cuz the jws are allowed to have sex

  • SacrificialLoon

    They'll still be around, the end will still be "soon", and there will still be lots of people who will believe them. Although they'll probably be mostly people from developing countries.

  • allreadygone

    I remember in the 80s when I was giving service meeting parts, and conducting book study it seemed as if every one was well prepared and the hands were everywhere. I have been out, having faded for many years now but recently been to a few meetings with my wife who still believes the BS and I can see a total disconnect with most of the young ones. They know it is BULLS%$T but stay for the only social life they have ever known. So wait until it is up to them to carry the flame and its curtains for the Borg. They don't call them the internet generation for nothing. It is the only place they will get the real truth. Gone


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