CELEBRATE!!! and welcome. W.Once (double post, so heck, Celebrate again!.)
I'm new!
by Renegade 31 Replies latest jw friends
Wasanelder Once
CELEBRATE!!! and welcome. W.Once
Wow, this is a great thread.
I'm not new here, I'm just sneaking in to make sure everyone is doing ok.
Thanks for sharing.
I wish I had left the WT when my kids were your age.
You have so much life ahead of you. The world is your oyster, go out and get it!
Welcome younger man! I too am new to JWD, however unlike you, I wasted 50 years of my life before I came to the realization you have. Rejoice in your young manhood and party down dude!!!
The Oracle
Welcome Welcome Welcome!!!
A free mind is a healthy mind.
Enjoy the journey!
The Oracle.
Hi Renegade,
My youngest son was about 15 when he can to the realization that the WTS was all lies. It is hard honey at first it makes you feel all religion is bad and screwed up. There is no perfect religion but there are some good ones that help and really care. Don't give up on seeking a healthy spirituality. Stay away from the cult types that want to control you or fundamentalist type of religions. When my son first left he just turned kind of atheist and still is uncertain but today he is feeling that he is more open to something more. It's been 5 years but he is doing well and you will too. Lean on your mom because she has been there done that.
Welcome Renegade.....take a deep breath, and keep reading. So glad to have you here!
Mother of 2 sons approximatley your age!
Hi renegade, Take it easy on yourself because otherwise you will worry and won't be capable of ever feeling what's right for you. When you pray, thank your creator that you don't always have to. Speak in your mind to Him whenever you need His love in your presence. Whether your walking down the lane or eating lunch or with someone you like. He knows you are human because that's why you are. It is fine to be who you are and feel the way you do. Just like you would be to a friend He will be to you - except invisible, not following rules of others but being close to you in ways that feel close to you. And sometimes He will know you may go off on a journey and be pleased to tell Him later. That is all!
Welcome Renegade!!