MySpace and JW's

by bite me 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • bite me
    bite me

    I was doing a net search and came across this poster who posted this:

    Get out of this group you true Jehovahs Witnesses

    you're a member of a group calling themselves jehovahs witnesses, they have 30 members but are overrun by apostates

    leave that group and if you want to, join this group instead


    BTW: I've left this group

    Then another poster responded...

    hahahahah what the hell are you all doing creating online jw groups anyway? back when i was "one of you" doing things like this was taking part in satan's overall scheme to lure jehovah's servants over to the other side!

    probably old news to you all.. but I Thought that was funny yet true!

  • B_Deserter

    Lol, it makes me want to join this group and ask them tough questions based on "something a householder asked me."

  • B_Deserter

    Well, now I have a MySpace account, let's see if they accept me.

  • united states of nothing
    united states of nothing

    New here....Hello to all! Just wanted to call to the attention the guy "Bill" on page 5 if you go to view all members. He is an old 50ish guy holding a baby. Notice the last post on his profile it looks like his daughter in law posts something to the regards, "he is now in jail, I do not want to divulge why but parents and children stay away from him!"

    Just a note.

  • Tatiana

    Wow....I saw the comment left for Bill. Has anyone joined?

    Looks like there are a lot of teenagers there. Also, the opening page is kind of stupid......

    we could co-moderate, I would need your help

    this would mean we could have a safer group with more members

    we wouldn't tell people that there is a private group until they were invited and the public group could be changed frequently [new ones created]

    therefore we could facilitate contact between thousands of witnesses without any apostates

    e.g. for invite to prove they are regular in meeting attendance [hence not left christian cong,] ask them something about the Kingdom ministry or what song was sung [Watchtower allocated song]

    This would keep apostates who used to be in the truth out

    we will be undergoing changes the next time an apostate is invited into our group and security will be greatly increased to keep us apart from any bad influences, membership will be based on an everchanging commitee which will need to note reasons for their decisions on approving or rejecting people. we are not here to judge, but rather encourage. but we will be cautious of those who are allowed to associate within our security
  • Tatiana

    Gotta love what the "second" top TRUE Jehovah's Witness friend has on her homepage.....

    jacquline audrey. you'll never find another bitch like me. [[woop woop.]]

  • SirNose586

    You know, seeing a myspace dub group get their asses kicked by an outsider led me down the path to here. So I say, let them creating these groups. It just makes them look bad, especially since "Mother" has pointedly told them Myspace was teh evil!!

  • wanderlustguy

    Maybe we need to set up some moles in their group...

    Who's Myspace page could pass for a JW?


  • Tatiana
    Who's Myspace page could pass for a JW?

    Well, that leaves me out.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    I could if I didn't have that huge Ex-JW tag on my site, or if I didn't state I work in porn

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