Tired of your own JW History/ Would you like to remembered otherwise?

by restrangled 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    I realize initially this is what we all have in common, but it really gets old sometimes! All of us have more important attributes....some are Gardeners, Artists, Musicians, Decorators, Teachers, Mothers, Fathers, etc, etc.

    What is more important in your life?


  • llbh

    I like to be remembered for as I am now happy.

    With three lovely and very different children.

    Coming here is a way of moving on from the mistake of being in the wts and knowing how to make sense of that stupidity

    It strikes me that most of us are a happier

    I think people are surprised to find a window cleaner with a Law degree.

    I love reading and learning


  • dawg

    Man, I just want those who truly love me to remember that I stood up for the right thing and it cost me dearly... I want to be remembered as a damn good man.

  • BIG D
    BIG D

    though i have only been here a short while, i have made much inner progress, about the way i feel about myself and my situation with my xjwness.

    i truly want to be the best parent i can be, and my kids know that, they will not have to put up with mental abuse, and i am glad for that,

    i also am making my own thanksgiving dinner, and christmas dinner now !!

    whatever comes of the ladies so be it, i am happy! much thanks to many here for letting me vent and , having my back!

    big d

  • momzcrazy

    I want to be remembered as a truthful loud mouth who cares too much. I hope I am a kick ass mom and wife. And a true friend.


  • Mum

    I was a person before I was a dub, a good one. As a dub, I became a person I did not like or respect. I'm still not as good as I once was, but I'm getting better. If I am remembered, let it be for something good I did.

  • R.Crusoe

    Just as a guy who did his best for those he loved and would never walk out on them even when life felt lower than a snakes arsehole!

  • restrangled

    I want to be remembered as a good Mom, Wife, Cook, and great Gardener. In addidition to an adopter of very big tough dogs I taught to love a cat and turned them into big lovelable puppies.

    I also want to remembered for my gardening.....and my raising many orchids including the Vanilla Orchid from Madagascar. When it reaches 6 more feet you cooks may be getting hand raised vanilla next year.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I want to be remembered for my love of classical music and all the new stuff my sons like.

    I want to be rememberd for loving fast cars with big engines, and big fat wheels with great looking wheel wells.

    Just a few things other than being an XJW.....


  • jaguarbass

    In a hundred years from now there will be all new people. Nobody here will be remembered.

  • restrangled

    Jagurbass, but maybe we will.....tell us something about you other than your quote!

    In a hundred years from now there will be all new people. Nobody here will be remembered.


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