So.... I took my mom to the doctor today, and my grandma (adopted) walked in, looked right at me and just looked away. No smile, nothing.... This is the woman whom I have taken to the hospital, whom I have stayed with time after time when she had surgery so I could help her, whom has known me since I was tiny..... Can you imagine not even smiling or acknowledging someone you have known since infancy, who has shown so much love and loyalty for you over the years? Just because three men she does not even know in some back room made the determination for her that she should no longer acknowledge me... By their fruits you shall know them.... And boy, they show through don't they?
And By Their Fruits You Will Know Them
by VanillaMocha73 12 Replies latest jw experiences
Rotton peaches. That's just not right. I am so sorry you had that experience today you deserve so much more.
It is terrible, and shows how evil mind control cults are.
Just because three men she does not even know in some back room made the determination for her that she should no longer acknowledge me
The thing is that she does not see it that way, she has be trained to believe it was Jehovah himself through this holy spirit that led these men to determine you are an unrepentant evildoer. There is every chance that your Grandmother is a kind hearted woman, it is just an destructive organization that has cut off her ability to think and reason normally.
and yet they'll berate catholics for following the dictates of the pope.
no difference in the pope and the "governing body".. just the pope has a face
So sorry, I know how you feel. It is sad. So sad from a religion that they are claiming to have love. I have seen their "love". They are so pitful creatures
I wonder what Jesus would have done had he been in that room. For sure, Jesus' message is not about condemning sinners but helping them. And, that doesn't mean arbitrarily deciding what constitutes a "sin" to serve the agenda of the organization. For sure, some of the things they think of as "sins" are laughable in light of the NBC report on the pedophile problem that they are sweeping under the rug.
They will pounce on someone, without two witnesses, if they do fornication, smoke a cigarette, post apostate blogs, put up a Christmas tree, say "Merry Christmas", or any of the other things that do no harm or only harm the person doing it. But, when they abuse their authority to rape children and then further abuse their authority to silence the victims, they let it slide. I wonder if they, as an organization, should get disfellowshipped.
Vanilla Mocha
So sorry to hear that. I can't begin to imagine how I'd feel if my grandma did that.
WT Wizard,
Maybe your onto something. Should we shun? I guess some already do.
I know EXACTLY what you mean and totally agree "By their fruits you will know them".
I have been out officially for 2 months now. I work at the local supermarket and when a witness comes in it is interesting how they react when they see you. After the initial shock of seeing you they usually look down or pretend you don't exist.You are not aknowledged as another human being. The wife of the PO saw me and did this. That night my wife said " xxxxxx saw you and said she wanted to show compassion as best she could". I thought if that is the look of compassion then compassion must be a dreadful quality to have!
Anyway, i feel for you and know you can rise above that childish behaviour.
They are only doing as they are told. Remember they are not allowed to think for themselves.
I have been on the receiving end of shunning in the past and it is a horrible thing to go through, especially hurtful when it's close family. So sorry you had to experience this, it certainly is rotten fruitage.
I have decided the only way shunning makes any sense is this:
I know of an pioneer who left her husband and took up with an elder in her KH. We knew they were an item for years before, as they spent entirely too much time together. Anyway, they somehow pulled it all off without getting disfellowshipped. Now, that is a couple that I would probably naturally shun.... I do not approve of their choices, and would likely not invite them over for dinner and such. I would still be civil and speak to them in the store, but I just would not choose to spend time with them any longer. That shunning makes some sense - I have firsthand knowledge of the situation and can consciously choose not to spend time with them. In the JW cases, a blanket announcement is made at the KH. Nobody knows exactly what the person did (sometimes you can hazard a pretty decent guess...) The "offending" party does not have a chance to defend themselves and there is nothing left up to conscience. In fact, the slander / gossip that goes along with the DF'ing is horrid. Here, I moved in with my mother to leave an abusive and dangerous situation, and I constantly hear around the KH circles that I moved in with some young guy..... I assure you ... my mother is neither young nor a male..... But I don't even have a chance to stand up for myself.