I spent 10 years in Bethel. My only "friends" were Bethelites and Congregation members. I left Bethel 2 years ago and underwent a thorough investigation of the 'truth' without the so called blinders. It was time to formulate a plan.
Fortunately, I only had 2 'Borg' members in the Org. My covert operation was well coordinated ... 1) Pull them out 2) Disassociate 3) Burn the ships Plan 1: Took 6 months (mom was serving the Matrix for a little less than 30 years). Found her weakness and exploited it and got her to emotionally get angry at the Org. Plan 2: Took effect 3 weeks ago. From what I gather, no announcement had been made. I believe the P.O. got the letter which contained a load of evidence regarding the Child Abuse cases and kept it to investigate it further. Plan 3: Started to actively burn ALL my ships on Thanksgiving. Clicking the "send" button was very emotional. I knew it had to be done, I could no longer live a lie. By clicking 'send', I basically annihilated all contact with friends that I considered family. When I would notice a reply, my heart would putter. I had to expect one or the other; that I "turned apostate" or that they thought along the same lines. Chances were very slim for the later. In any case, I accepted the worse. An Elder that I closely worked with called me"an agent of the devil", another Elder said, "leave us alone, leave us with the good memories you gave us and go away." Not that I was surprised but it still gets to you. But I well know how the Organization (Ted Jaracz) uses mind control techniques thanks to Steve Hassan's "Combating Cult Mind Control." Thankfully one congregation member who I knew when I was in Bethel, left the Org. two years ago made contact with me just recently. He said, "I feel sorry for you, you were so high up in the Organization, known and loved by many, I would hate to be in your shoes, it must be hard." It can be hard ONLY if I let it. Nothing is good or bad, it's how we interpret situations. In any case, my "operations" are not done with. The GB has hell to pay. Don't get me wrong, I am not letting the Watchtower interfere with me moving on with my life which I already have. It will be like a side hobby of mine. Hey GB, I would hate to be in your shoes :) p.s. This is not a coincidencePersonal feelings from responses from former Congregations/Bethelites
by What-A-Coincidence 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
WAC, believe it or not, there is a day coming when you won't understand why it was such a big deal to press the 'send' button. That will be a great day. Every now and then, step back and take a big bite of life somewhere else. Don't spend too long looking back.
Congratulations on taking CONTROL of your own life!,,,,You are in charge of your thinking! 'It's not what happens to you...It's how you resond to it!!" After 47 years of the BS...Bethel, Elder, Circuit and District resppnsibilities...I've been breathing Clean air for 10 years....When someone says " How ya doin'?" I say I get better every day!!".....or they say " Have a nice day!"....I say " I ALWAYS do!!"....I mean it ...no BS.. I control my day...someone can ruin or spoil THEIR day...NOT MINE!
It"s about personal choice...you are in control...you can't do anything about yesterday...might as well have a good time today! All of this is contrary to what you've been programmed to do for years....That's why the air of freedom smells so clean and fresh...you're off the leash!!! RUN....ENJOY.
drew sagan
You've put a lot of thought and effort into your plan and it seems to be working. As can be expected those who do not listen to you will far outnumber those who take you seriously, but you (wisely) factored that in from the beginning.
As a side point I'd like to add that I've read your posts from time to time, but have not a complete picture of your story. Maybe you can share a full summary of everything in a post or two. -
Good going. I had decades in with years as an elder, Pioneer, Circuit and district responsibilities up the wazoo. I'm very glad to have been out close to 10 years now.
And like you, I've been using my skills to keep pecking away at the old monster - and boy, have we made some inroads over the last few years!
S4 -
It's good to have a plan, and it's good that it comes together as yours did.
You didn't waste time. You joined this forum 2 years ago. You made rapid
progress with your family. You give me hope.I have not made rapid progress with my family. Many others here can say the
same as me. I continue to look for ways to impliment your #1, but as they don't
work perfectly, I must continue on with my own personal freedoms. I can't even
consider #2 & 3. One day, I may need to. -
WAC- It sounds like you definitely have your head on straight and have a balanced view of everything ! That's a good thing. I can tell from the closing part of your thread you wrote, you have more of your plan in the works. That is also very good. I am glad you hooked up with a buddy who got out also. That helps ! Please know we are here in support of your efforts and I have all the utmost admiration and respect for what you are doing guy ! Now if each of us in our own little corner of the world can take this opportunity to enlighten people we know in the cult about the child abuse scandal , maybe we can all bring this organization to it's knees in time. Everything with time and patience . Peace out bro, good work ! If you ever want to talk, feel free to pm me. I was raised in this too ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Although the responses you receive will be overwhelmingly negative, don't think they will not have any effect. The people that know you as a decent man will have to wonder what you know that led you to reject the Watchtower. Cognitive dissonance will set in and they will attribute your disassociation to the Devil, but it will leave an impression on them nonetheless. If a person in a high position in the organization came to the conclusion that the religion is not what it claims to be, these people will have no choice but to wonder what it was that led you to that conclusion. Later on in life, when they become disenchanted with the religion themselves, your words and admonishions will resurface. Good job! You've shown a great deal of courage.
WAC, Do you feel free now?