To those who've been DFed...

by IsaacJS2 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • IsaacJS2

    Lots of interesting responses - just what I was hoping for. For those who took exception to my using the word authority, don't read too much into it. I was actually asking what others had done to show the Witnesses that they don't have any authority over you. I already know that they only have the authority I allow them to have over me. But if this ever happened, I'd want to make sure they knew I wasn't bothered by their little pronouncements in a mature way.

    I've thought about this from time to time over the last year or so, ever since I openly admitted I was an atheist to one of them. Technically, that is apostasy according to the Insight Books. I also have no faith in the GB, which the Insight Books also label apostasy. So I guess I could have been DFed.

    I found the whole conversation with my aunt in-law pretty offensive, but held back quite a bit while she took it upon herself to try and straighten me out. (%@&$#%&@!!!!!) That made me decide that I wouldn't tip toe around these issues any more and that I would stand up for myself 100% next time. But I've wondered what I would have done if my aunt in-law had tattled on me and I'd been DFed for apostasy.

    Anyway, this gives me some view points to think about. Thanks for that. More views are still welcome, so post away. Also, if anyone wants to comment on defying Judicial Committees, that would right up the same alley. I have a few thoughts on that too and wouldn't mind hearing what others think.


  • avishai

    "I was just wondering if anyone ever tried to find a mature way to defy their supposed authority to judge you this way and what sort of reactions you got. I haven't been DFed, but it could certainly happen some day." I prefer Immature way's, it's much more fun!!

  • IsaacJS2

    If you're curious, here's a short post about the experience I sited with my in-law. I know there's a better one somewhere that goes into more detail, but I can't find it right now.


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