As you may have heard, the Court of Appeal has overturned three previous court decisions in my favour. The lawsuit has been given the green light and is basically has remained intact almost exactly the way it started. What are the odds of that happening? I was hoping of maybe winning one appeal. Instead, I win all three appeals. The deadline for the defendants to file an appeal at the Supreme Court expired four weeks ago. This ia a very important lawsuit. There are many issues that need to be resolved including moral, legal and medical. Winning this lawsuit would be benificial for the medical and legal communities and would save the lives of many Jehovah Witnesses .The media coverage generated from this lawsuit going to trial will be phenomenal. I have been told that this will be one of the most publicized trials in Canadian history. Just last September, I was interviewed in the National news on three different occasions and on the front page article in a National magazine....... Lawyers Weekly. There is no question that the trial would get ongoing National and International news coverage. If you type " Lawrence Hughes Jehovah" on Google you will see a sample of the media coverage I have been getting ......... about 200 hits. We cannot afford not to win this lawsuit. If we loose , it will set a precedent which would make it more difficult for a victim to sue the Watchtower Society. The Watchtower Society cannot afford to loose this lawsuit either. The Watchower cannot afford the bad media coverage and the flood of Wrongfull Death Suits that could follow. The problem I have is money. In order to fight this fight and win , it will cost alot of money. Even if I represent myself in court to save money, which is not a good idea, because I am up against four large law firms and their senior counsel, I still have major expenses. Some of these expenses are photocoping, expert witnesses expenses, couriers, long distant calls, etc. Without a lawyer, I estimate at least $100,000 cost. T he photocopy bill alone for the Appeal Court was about $20,000. That included making pdf files of documents, numbering of documents, copying and binding. Obviously, the best case scenerio would be to have a good lawyer. That would cost at least another $100,000 or more. W ould you please ask around and see if anyone you know could help me out with the expenses. If 1000 persons donated $ 100 it would be enough. Almost everyone would benefit by me winning as almost everyone has a loved one trapped in the Watchtower. I believe that whether I win or loose, the media coverage will expose the Watchtower Society and they will loose alot of future converts. Many lives would be saved. If I win this lawsuit, it may force them to put an end to the NO BLOOD policy sooner than later . I have set up a trust fund for the lawsuit. Please inform others that they can make cheques payable to: WATCHTOWER LAWSUIT Box 20161 Calgary Place, RPO Calgary, AB T2P 4J2 Thanks Lawrence Hughes
by SHUNNED FATHER 64 Replies latest jw friends
Hey Lawrence,
Do you still have your PayPal account??
I thought you had retained counsel?
This just sucks as you cannot represent yourself for this case.
hmm ... I wonder if there is a firm somewhere who will pick this up for payment after the fact if you pull out a win.
When is your next hearing date???
I've followed your story from its beginning. I lurked here for seven years before posting. I'm so sorry about Bethany and what you have endured.
The address is duly noted, and I will be collecting and sending something your way.
Peace and love.
Let's keep this baby to the top!!!
Hello everyone
I am new here! I was wondering, can't Silentlambs help you? I would try to contact Barbara Anderson.
Ok sorry! I feel stupid please ignore my last reply.
I have already contacted all the lawfirms in Calgary that handle Civil litigation and I have not been able to find any lawyer willing to represent me on a Contingency basis.
Hello everyone
Hello Jae, and welcome to the forum.
Please don't feel stupid; I've been here 6 months and still goof up.