Minimus and me

by seven006 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • Uzzah

    I somewhat understand the Moderator's decision. Minimus has stirred the pot in the past with some of his questions (intentionally or not only he knows).

    He has also taken shots at people (like many of us) so rather than let things go down that path again, they stopped it.

    In this instance was laughing my a$$ off at the banter between the two of them. Glad to see other mellowing people over 40 horsing around.

  • stillajwexelder

    minimus, you are my older brother and I love you very much, but dont take sides against the family again. EVER

  • minimus

    Uzzah, sometimes we fool with each. Like I told Dave, if I ever thought that I ever really hurt somebody's feelings, I'd feel bad. I had no "agenda". I wasn't looking to beat anybody up verbally or otherwise. I think we forget that we are not immune from taking shots at people. We give them and take them thru the years many times over. But if I really wanted to pick on some people on that thread, I had the opportunity but chose not to go there.

    The thread's purpose was to discuss how we relate to one another, how even sometimes we think a certain thing about a person and can be totally wrong. We can express opinions without being nasty, just as I said from the beginning.

  • purplesofa

    I wasn't fooled for a minute

    I honestly think minimus wanting to beat the crudola out of seven was a term of know a man thing.....he had to say that instead of something like...........a big wet juicy one on the lips!!!

    Italian Men do that ...... don't they..........Kiss Kiss

    I would say more, but don't want to lose posting privledges as I am playing the Werewolf game and need my posts.

    Kudos for having fun, after going though life climbing Mt Everest, rolling and tumbling down, even hitting a few bumps along the way..........Laughter makes it all better. But you gotta get old first to realize it, besides going through hell.

    My grandbaby is going to top both yours!


  • minimus

    Purps, Dave thinks his genes are better than ours! Can you believe it>>


  • purplesofa

    Well thats just crap,

    He takes pics of people with great genes, thats all....He's confused.


  • Terry

    The curse of Minimus is running riot!

    First, Minimus agreed to inaugurate the Watchtower lesson comments and that got kicked out and now this.

    The guy is pure e-ville! Either that, or; he's one of those Build-a-burgers. (Spin-off of Build-a-bear)

  • Angharad
    First, Minimus agreed to inaugurate the Watchtower lesson comments and that got kicked out and now this.

    There was absolutely no issue with Minimus and his WT comments thread - its still there so I dont know why you think it got "kicked out"

    The issue was purely with V wanting to use a duplicate account that a number of people had access to and could post under. There is no issue at all with the posting of the watchtower commentary. Only the use of shared or duplicate accounts and this is nothing new to the forum.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    So, to the people who may have seen our bantering as serious and the mod who locked the thread. We are sorry for the confusion that may have led some to think we were serious!!!!

    Howdy Dave! How's everything? Long time, no speak.

    I can state for a fact that Dave hates talking on the phone. He probably doesn't remember the call, but he kicked my ass for an hour. (I deserved it too!)

    But he is also one of a handful of people I sit up and pay attention to what they say.

    Now Minimus on the other hand, he's a damnyankee so you've got to watch out for him.

    Hope you guys are doing well. Especially you Dave. Miss hanging out.

    Be well,


  • seven006

    Well, there are always at least two sides to every story. I have gotten phone calls with people having different opinions and sides.

    First of all I want to say………….I don’t give a sh*t! and second I hate talking on the phone!

    I do not want to get involved with ex-JW or JWD politics. I do not like being tooled by anybody!!

    I also don’t like it when people think that my opinion amounts to anything more than “just my opinion”.

    Min, buddy, it sounds like you may have gotten tooled a little bit yourself. Not by me or people who really, really don’t like you (which I’m sure there are thousands and thousands of them). But buy a somewhat new poster who seems to want to make a name for himself here on JWD and thought he/she/it needed more then one account.

    As they said in the South Park episode about the Mormons and I quote; “Dumb, dumb, dumb, dum, dum, dumb”!

    This seems to be all about a thread that was written a few weeks ago. Here’s a little clue. When anybody gets their pee pee whacked for breaking the board rules, learn from it and don’t stick it out again if you have JWD as any kind of priority in your life. If you don’t then don’t worry about it. It’s just a discussion board. It’s not a vital medical life support system plugged into your arm.

    Fair, right, unjust or what ever. This discussion board is not a democracy. If anybody wants to keep posting here, understand that one fact and don’t break the rules. AND don’t ask others to post anything that you can no longer post yourself because you broke the rules and got your pee pee whacked!

    Min, you got your posting limit reduced. So what! Who in the hell needs to make more than 25 posts a day anyway? Don’t tell me about it and make me cry for you Argentina.
    Be nice and I’m sure the mods will increase it someday. You are somewhat of an icon on this board (that really puts this boards importance into perspective). I heard Christmas is coming up soon.

    You are still my good buddy and I agree with you about the purple grandma babe. Stop being a nice guy to people you don’t know!! You are not a sheep! Sheep are dumb flocking animals. Goats are sharp as hell. You are a goat got damn it! Act like it.


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