Intellectual honesty and integrity raise questions .
Blind faith continues under the delusion that God desires obedience over use of the faculties we've been given.
Honesty is more than telling the truth or not stealing folks. It requires looking at things under the strength of their own merit and not just accepting what is given.
Integrity means being true to your own nature and not subjugating it to anothers will or opinion , doing what is right no matter what the cost.
To have integrity one must be aware of ones own self fully . If you don't now what you need or where your motivations really come from, chances are integrity is not something you possess.
Beliefs are incidental opinions , they don't really have any value. Core principles , ethics , values . These trancend personal beliefs , they are the unspoken testiments of the greatness within a human being.
Opinions kill people everyday . Values don't