I wonder sometimes. I mean, how would you really know if you do, in fact, suck as a poster? Would it be because when you post all the sudden there can be no more submissions? Can YOU kill the thread killer thread?
This brings to mind another idea or concept I was playing with. Maybe we could have an "Apostate of the Month" like maybe someone who makes us go oooooooohhhhh...every month, and a "Jackass of the Month", the one who makes us say "that redneck sunofabiscuiteating$$#@%#", definitely me...every month. Or maybe like that OBVES dude who aint got crap to do but sit around and tell us about how God is gonna do whatever.
Then the repsective people would have to change their avatar for one month, the Apostate of the Month gets some cool ass Superman Logo, and the Jackass of the month gets...a...half of a horse...for a month.
Oh yea...do I suck as a poster? I can take it, really.