I just put my kitty down today - BW-A-A-A

by Trotafox 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Trotafox

    There is this great big hole in my heart. I had to put my "Bingo" down today. I raised him from a kitten 16-1/2 yrs ago. He's been my one and only pet and only child. I don't have a picture to give you all but he was a very handsome big, big (21 lbs.) black cat with beautiful light green eyes and smooth as silk fur and the sweetest face I've ever seen on a kitty.

    He started acting poorly last Wed. He stopped eating Friday and went downhill steadily. I raced him to the vets. Diagnosis: canker sores in his mouth. Home again. I had to force feed the poor little guy with a syringe because he absolutely refused to eat. He got worse and I could tell he was dying. Yesterday morning, he tried to stand up and made a valiant effort to get to his water bowl but couldn't. Raced to the vets again. They put him on fluids and took blood. He began to have seizures. This morning his blood tests came back with almost complete kidney shut down. I had to let him go. There was no hope.

    I miss my little fur face so much and my heart is breaking. I want him back so much. All I have left are his toys and memories and that's what hurts so much. He was a wonderful companion but I wonder if this hurt was worth it.

    Today, Trot, is not happy.

    "Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love".... Aristotle. You can love and obey Christ without intervention from an organization.

  • mike047

    TROT, Cats are wonderful FRIENDS, I enjoy my two very much.
    I am sorry for your loss.

  • WildHorses

    I'm sorry Trot,

    If you lived close by, I would give you one of mine. I have five kittens. Only 6 weeks old.


    "I don't want someone in my life I can live with, I want someone in my life I can't live without."

  • Cygnus

    My wife and I have three cats. We let them out every night. Most every morning they wake us up wanting to be let back in. Sometimes only one or two cats are there at the door. When that happens I look up and down the street in case one of them was hit by a car. I expect that every time, and it's not a nice feeling.

    Not long ago one of our cats didn't come home for 2 days. My wife was worried sick (literally). Turns out he got shut inside the garage and was fine. But a few days later he came home all bloodied up. We took him to the vet and they said that he was hit by a car and tumbled. Hurt a leg, cracked a tooth (which had to be pulled) but otherwise was okay. He was never a lap cat before but now he always wants to lay down and go to sleep right next to us.

    The saddest thing about having pets is that when they are sick you cannot communicate to them that you want to help them. My brother had a dog that needed two hip replacements. Poor dog couldn't barely walk and there was little or nothing they could do to make the dog feel better. They went ahead and spent $3500.00 on hip replacement surgery, and are happy to have done it since now the dog is much better and gives them much enjoyment.

    Personally, I like my cats more than I do most people.

  • Ranchette


    I am so sorry to hear of your saddness and loss.
    I know this was especially hard after 16 1/2 years together.
    It must feel like loosing a member of the family.

    you said,
    "He was a wonderful companion but I wonder if this hurt was worth it."

    I know it was worth it.
    It's hard now but you'll see what I mean as time passes.

    I hate to see people miss out on the love and companionship a pet or any relationship for that matter, can bring into our lives because of the fear of loss and pain.
    Again I am sorry for your loss.


  • outnfree


    I just wanted to express my sympathy.

    We lost our Missy -- 14 yrs old, also black, but tiny (8 lbs. soaking wet!!!!) -- to a car accident August 22.

    It is a terrible thing to lose a family pet. We are much saddened.
    But Ranchette is right -- the companionship and the love you shared is worth far more than the misery you feel at this moment.

    Please accept my condolences.


    Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes -- Lacordaire

  • think41self

    Aww Trot

    I'm SO sorry about your kitty. I absolutely love cats. Have had them all my life. I've lost several of them over the years and it never gets any easier. But I wouldn't give up the companionship for anything. And I think, they lived a good life with me, and were happy. So in my opinion it was worth it.

    Again, I'm sorry for your loss sweetie. for you


    Holy Flying Screaming Buddha, Batman!

  • crittersitter

    so sorry for your loss.
    as pets are my hobby, career and business, i know too well the feeling of losing a beloved companion.
    it's worth it..you had 16+ years ..how wonderful.
    i work with the local shelter and see so many abandoned pets and unwanted cast offs. it would make you cry.
    BUT...i happen to have a sweet little kitten that turned up on my door step saturday morn...she's a calico..small eats like a horse( she'll be around 21 pounds by the end of this week..LOL)
    would you like to give her a home?

  • Lionel_P_Hartley


    It was worth it - what sort of a life would that little kitten 16 1/2 years ago have had without you?


  • jayhawk1

    I am sorry you lost your pet. I have a cat, her name is Simone'. Simone' has been with me ever since I bought a house. So she is almost six. It is hard to loose a loved one, even a cat. I will be sad with you.

    Jeremy, a cat lover.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

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