No one is going to listen to this because of the need for daycare for little ones while the parents work. It is a global trait, both parents working.
JW's kids must NOT attend nursery school
by aligot ripounsous 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Really?? well I'll mention that to my Mother.I was the only kid to go to pre school.I begged and begged my Mom to go to school because my brother was 2 years older than me and he went to school when I was turning 3 she put me in head start.
Funny thing was that my head start was in the basement of a church.I think I was set up to be an apostate from early childhood.
drew sagan
Does it have anything to do with the fact that many nusery schools are run by religious organizations?
In the congregation I attended I was the only one that had my children in Daycare. Most of the sisters didn't work. They either cleaned houses two days out of the week or had a parttime. Part time jobs usually didn't last because the elders would immediatley start talking to them about putting Jehovah first. If they couldn't take care of their kids other sisters would. My children usually stayed with my mother if they weren't in daycare.
I worked and was told about the importance of putting Jehovah first. I told the elder my husband is lazy and doesnt work. Who is going to pay my bills? No one in this cong. even ask if I'm okay or if my kids have what they need. One time a sister told me that I was rarely at the meetings and that i should not forget about Jehovah.
I told her "When you start taking care of me and my family and paying my bills then tell me something!!!"
I said it loud and clear. She never said anything to me again. I knew I didnt want to be JW since I was a kid. The only year I enjoyed everything having to do with JW was when I was 11-12 not too long. I realized the truth. I didnt' want to be there anymore.
Attacking education from both ends.
If they really had the truth they wouldn't have to be so scared of book-learnin'. This whole subject just boils my blood. For one thing, I HATED having to "take a stand" for their crazy crap when I was 6 years old. I was already nervous just going to school, then they have the flag salute every morning. Great! The other little kids would stare and a couple actually tried to put my hand over my heart for me. I jerked it away like my hand was in a fire!
Then there's all the holidays. A coloring pages for every one of 'em.
Nowdays, if a kid hasn't stepped foot in a classroom before age 6, they are horribly behind.
Being raised JW is stressful. Little children really aren't prepared to deal with that kind of stress. It's abusive, imho.
Witness 007
You need day care while the parents are out Pioneering and trying to find new converts, there kids are learning about all the celibrations they cant enjoy....Easter, Birthdays...etc. BOooo Hoo I want my mummy.
I posted this in an earlier topic, but it's relevant.
December 15, 2007 WT
"The great day of Jehovah is near. It is near, and there is a hurrying of it very much." - Zephaniah 1:14
para 19 Are you helping your children to "keep themselves without spot from the world"? Satan
would like to reel in your children as a man reels in fish. Various clubs and organizations are
designed to make young people fit in with Satan's world. But Jehovah's servants already belong
to the only organization that will survive the end of this wicked system of things. So Christian
youths should be encouraged to have "plenty to do in the work of the Lord." Godly parents need
to assist their children to set goals that will give them a happy and rewarding life that honors God
and helps them to be ready for Jehovah's day.
The JW cult "loves" children - for they are the JW's of tomorrow. While informal and door to door recruiting is working less effectively, they
have the "let's get 'em while they're young" mentality.
My mesage for kids -
aligot ripounsous
(RisingEagle) If the thinking really was along those lines in '85 how much moreso it would be by a Bethelite now.
Yes, the point is probably not that new, still when I spotlighted it in later conversations after the assembly, my wife (Who has been in a JW family since age 5), other JWs and myself seemed not to remember that it had been said so conclusively previously. That tells a lot about the self censorship that JWs exert on their thoughts when they don't want to come to terms with a problem. They just shove it aside in the back of their minds, until of course it rises up back to the surface when the JW becomes ready for full awareness.
(Frequent Fader Miles) I wonder if this speaker himself is a father.
I've always been baffled by bethelites' talks and prayers. They are just so disconnected from reality, whether they give advice on how to rise children or they pray to Jehovah that brothers in poor countries may "keep their integrity" where they would rather need food, cloth and shelter.
Taking a stand in order to stick out like a sore thumb is more important to one's 'eternal life'.
that's a point ! training children to singularize so that they will be identified as JWs, will provide fodder for persecution or even for martyrdom and make the JW religion known and look holy. Whether one talks about you in good or in bad doesn't matter, provided one talks about you.
(WTWizard) I guess they are taking their resolution to ban entertainment seriously after all. They are dissecting it and implementing it one phase at a time.
We are clearly eye witnessing renewed coordinated moves on the part of the WTS to isolate JWs and their families from outside influences.
(DrewSagan) Does it have anything to do with the fact that many nusery schools are run by religious organizations ?
That's not exactly the case in France, where by and large nursery schools are run by municipalities, like primary schools, unless they are part of private schools (which can be religious or not)
(Truthseeker) Various clubs and organizations are designed to make young people fit in with Satan's world.
So, that talk wasn't given just by chance, it fits with the dec 15 WT article, it is part of the plan to regain control over the -young-flock and shield it from Satan snares.
sweet pea
I don't think most Witnesses will pay the slightest attention to this - they may feel slightly guilty deep down, who knows.
It just isn't practical or realistic.
Nice try WTBTS - let's just hope some add it to the list of things up on that shelf of doubts in a Witness's mind that's getting close to crashing down on top of them. -
If this information is not recorded down in a Watchtower Publication, then it must be c onsidered to be from a postates. I remember hearing this statement many years ago.