Republicans Report Much Better Mental Health Than Others

by BurnTheShips 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanTheMan

    IMO 'pubs are pretty artless (they seem to tolerate country music and xtian rock and bad, bad movies without much trouble, facts which speak volumes), and therefore, in some ways I envy them, but in most ways I don't as I don't think that your average 'pub really experiences the high highs and the low lows.

  • dawg

    JG, and others... they lie more... WTF? How can you tell if a politician is lying? We all know.

    Both parties are crap... we need a Parlament... multiple parties wroking together... have any of you read Federalist #10.... what did Madison say was the biggest threat to a union?

    JUst look at you both, Dems lie more, no Reps do... that's not worth a shit casue they'res no meter that can measure such a thing, and the parties have won... why? Becasue you've taken sides... on one side idiots... on the other morons? Now do your best and chose.... end the partys now... that'e the answer.

  • Junction-Guy

    I think there is a more rational explanation to this.

    Democrats are more prone to humanistic idealogies and therefore spend more time with psychologists, therapists, etc etc etc.

    Republicans spend more time in prayer to God and dont fall for alot of the psychological mumbo jumbo.

  • dawg

    Read what I said above JG and respond sil vous plait?

  • Junction-Guy

    Hi Dawg, I read what you said, but I still feel that parties are a necessity, as it helps identify the person you are voting for, and the philosophy they believe.

  • dawg

    I know you, and must challenge for that reason.... do you agree with all the Republicans are saying? Come on, every word?

  • worldtraveller

    Ann Coulter is a really nice Republican. No wait-sorry that's an oxymoron. Along with Rush-nice drug addicted thumper. How about Glenn Beck. Another rambling idiot. Juliani in trouble over private trips. Don't get me started about a so called Christian killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians- George something. Shall I go on? Dems-there's a bunch out there too.

  • Junction-Guy

    Not every word, but for the most part I agree with them. Occasionally a Republican will come along and do something I disagree with--like voting for the illegals, but for the most part I am satisfied.

  • hillary_step


    Republicans spend more time in prayer to God and dont fall for alot of the psychological mumbo jumbo.

    Isn't God a psychiatrist who you do not have to pay? ;)


  • Junction-Guy

    WorldTraveller, dont forget about that Muslim that murdered millions of his own Iraqi citizens.

    As for Ann Coulter, I love her, maybe I should team up with her?

    Im against Guliani too, so I really cant argue with you there.

    Rush was fun to listen to on the radio, but when he went on TV it changed him.

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