Eighty five years ago today

by Skimmer 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Skimmer

    Eighty five years ago today, on Halloween of 1916, the founder, first president, and self-proclaimed jellyfish of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society Charles Taze Russell passed from this mortal vale. Some believe that he met his Maker on that day. Others say that he met somebody else, and that it was somebody more commonly associated with the holiday.

    At the time of his death, the self-appointed "God's Only True Channel" taught that:

    1. The fall of Jerusalem occurred in 606 BC.

    2. The "time of the end" began in 1799 AD.

    3. Jesus returned in 1874 AD.

    4. Something must have happened in 1914 AD, but it wasn't the end of organized religion and the start of Armageddon as had been predicted for the thirty five years leading up to that date.

    5. The Watchtower chronology was validated by the measurements of the pyramids of Egypt, the railroads of Pennsylvania, and the beginning of the zodiacal Age of Aquarius. Oh, and that the predictions involved "God's dates, not ours."

    6. Armageddon was expected at any time.

    Flash forward to 2001.10.31, and we see that just about everything that Russell, the self-styled "Laodicean Messenger" of Revelation, has long been discarded. Well, all except that Armageddon is still expected at any time.

    "Followers of followers, victims of victims."

  • Thirdson

    Thanks Skimmer,

    I would have totally missed today's significance. I truly believe that Russell was the product of the wackiness of the late Victorian age. And age of discovery but also of psuedo-science. Russell got caught up in the psuedo-science like pyramidology. The WTS legacy was to spend a long time criticizing real science while at the same time teaching the bizarre. (Aluminum dangers and vile vacinations)

    Nothing of Russell's chronology survives except for the 1914/15 date but even that date's event has been substituted. While JW's claim Russell as their founder the religion we know today didn't really start until several years after the death of Russell. The Watchtower has been around for 120 years + but JWs haven't existed 85 years yet.

    Happy Halloween,


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • Scorpion


    You said: Nothing of Russell's chronology survives except for the 1914/1915 date...

    Tell that to this bunch.

    > http://network54.com/Hide/Forum/89087


    VVVVVVVVVery cool!!!

  • Scorpion

    And the people with the gold can break the rules.

  • Gozz

    That's what Apostates have called the post-humous disfellowshipping of C.T. Russell. Russell is in heaven, watching all the changes that's being made to the Messages revealed to him. Same for the Judge, Rutherford. It'll be interesting to see what's happening up there, Russell and Rutherford, and some others of the heroes gone, watching and smilling...

  • outnfree


    You actually think Russell and Rutherford are "up there"? as "in heaven?"



    Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes -- Lacordaire

  • Gozz

    Yeah, he's in heaven like hell... watching down on mere mortals and smiling. He won't be wearing his beard, or may be he'll be wearing it anyways... the Israelites wore beards...

  • Liberated

    Russell also taught that the child of Rev 12 was the antichrist,
    that the angel of the abyss, Abaddon, was the devil, Michael the
    archangel represented the pope, that Russell himself was the man
    with the inkhorn marking his readers with a cross...

    Ahh The Finished Mystery, interesting reading.


  • ISP

    I wonder what the next 85 yrs will bring in terms of chronology and doctrine changes! 1914 already is sounding a long time ago...


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