This is great. Thanks for all the updates and posts... thought I'd thank you all while I'm marking for future reference!
January '08 "Keep on the Watch" brochure campaign cancelled
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite 76 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
V: Thanks for posting the better copy.
KW13: "ONE: Are JW's themselves aware that there was a campaign "
Yes, it was listed in the last four KMs or so. In fact it is still listed in the January KM as being the offer. The notice of the 'adjustment' is dated "November 14" which must have been after the January KM went to press. Oddly, this rather significant change didn't come in letter format as something to officially read "To all Congregations in the United States". Instead, it comes on a small slip "To all Bodies of Elders in the United States." So, it doesn't instruct the local BOE to actually read the slip to the congregation, but instead to 'inform the congregation'. This is very unusual for being so brief, unexplanitory, and vague. The majority of the times that a little slip like this is sent to the Congregation, it's just to inform the BOE to change scriptures or wording in a Public Talk outline or something of even less consequence.
From my asking around, it seems to me that most JWs aren't aware that the campaign has been cancelled. In contacting bros in other congregations, several hadn't heard of the cancellation. Probably since it was sent on just a slip, the PO or Secretary didn't realize it was something of any importance right now and so the slip got ignored.
TWO: While the campaign itself is cancelled, do witnesses still have the brochure?
Yes, although some congregations might not have any in their stockroom, our congregation has over 300 on hand, ready to place. So, now what are we supposed to do with all those
pieces of crapbrochures? Perhaps send them to every church and newspaper in the neighboring circuit along with a copy of the NBC story about the pedophiles?I still have more info to share, but I have a hand injury, so I'm typing way slow. Plus, I've been very busy these days leading a double life and all...
THANK YOUBilly and V
"Any book published prior to 1992"
That would include books with the pre-1995 understanding of the generation. I thought those books would have been ditched.
Little Bo Peep
Someone posted a copy of the letter sent to the elders which confirmed the cancellation of the offer for January. Lady Liberty has a good copy of the letter that we've personally seen. I don't recall who posted this information last week, but according to this letter it definitely has been cancelled.
Little Bo Peep
Just noticed the date of your post...sorry, didn't look before posting a reply (still half asleep). Guess you have the copy of the letter by now.
KW13: "ONE: Are JW's themselves aware that there was a campaign "
Yes, it was listed in the last four KMs or so. In fact it is still listed in the January KM as being the offer. The notice of the 'adjustment' is dated "November 14" which must have been after the January KM went to press. Oddly, this rather significant change didn't come in letter format as something to officially read "To all Congregations in the United States". Instead, it comes on a small slip "To all Bodies of Elders in the United States." So, it doesn't instruct the local BOE to actually read the slip to the congregation, but instead to 'inform the congregation'. This is very unusual for being so brief, unexplanitory, and vague. The majority of the times that a little slip like this is sent to the Congregation, it's just to inform the BOE to change scriptures or wording in a Public Talk outline or something of even less consequence.
From my asking around, it seems to me that most JWs aren't aware that the campaign has been cancelled. In contacting bros in other congregations, several hadn't heard of the cancellation. Probably since it was sent on just a slip, the PO or Secretary didn't realize it was something of any importance right now and so the slip got ignored.
TWO: While the campaign itself is cancelled, do witnesses still have the brochure?
Yes, although some congregations might not have any in their stockroom, our congregation has over 300 on hand, ready to place. So, now what are we supposed to do with all those
pieces of crapbrochures? Perhaps send them to every church and newspaper in the neighboring circuit along with a copy of the NBC story about the pedophiles?I still have more info to share, but I have a hand injury, so I'm typing way slow. Plus, I've been very busy these days leading a double life and all...
thanks very much, your a star