I agree with what most said. I read what "on the way out" said with particular interest in light of the other thread on atheism. Interesting that you still carry the worst quality of any JW after so long a time, that whole judgmental thing. How anyone could read my post trying to apologize for bad wording and get what you got only shows how much the organization scared you. As one elder to another I am truly sorry. Perhaps one day we can meet and I can buy you a beer. Nothing like a drink and a laugh to mend fences. Until then I will say this clearly for all to hear and understand: I am currently an elder, true. However, I DO NOT believe everything that comes from the branch. Far from it. I have seen up close and personal everything every elder has said in this thread. We all know the truth of it. The pettiness in an elders meeting is unbelievable, and yet these men claim to be lead by holy spirit. I read COC with great understanding...I could see the truth in everything he described on the GB in my own body. It all adds up. However, I have a great amount of family who are zealots to high degree, my dear wife included, whom I don't want to lose. My fade will take much time, and its fine. I can work with it. I'm in no rush. I'm not bitter. As a born in I may have missed some things, but i have never felt "left out". I have done anything I have ever wanted to do, organization be damned. I have never been a traditional JW in that respect. I take my current role as an elder as a chance to really help those who may need it and those I may be in a position to help. I try my best to be a moderating force on the body. I understand it's mostly pointless but I do what I can with what I have. So for all those who want to see my as a JW apologist, fire away. As I said on the atheism thread, I think most people are good at heart, JW or not. I simply try to be balanced. The JW's are not all bad, but do have serious issues that I have problems with. Things that have made a bit of a COC for me. If some want to say, as they already have, that I am partly brain washed still or haven't left all of my JW training behind, so be it. I will always have JW in me. All of us who were in always will. We cant undo who we are and how we were raised. I wont try. I will be the best man I can based on what I know. The best Husband, Father and Friend. And for now, Elder.
"on the way out", the drink offer stands. Unfortunately I have once again reached my newbie post limit and can't respond for 18 hours. until then /lurk