Dressing Up for Halloweenie??

by safe4kids 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • safe4kids

    Okay you wild and crazy people...who is dressing up for Halloween and whatcha gonna be?

    I'm going to be Maid Marion and sit on my front porch handing out candy to all the little neighborhood monsters...my daughter is Harry Potter this year and my son is some gruesome grinning skeleton with fake blood dripping down his face....what can I say?? He's 10!

    How 'bout the rest of youse guys???


    "...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."

    Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You

  • Tina

    Well, gonna wear my horns today...heheheh luv,T

    Jehovahs Witnesses,Proudly Serving Their Corporate Masters!

  • Sirona


    A friend is having a party this weekend, and since "a witch" is too "everyday" for me I thought I'd go as a devil. Red outfit, Horns and all!


  • COMF

    I'm just going to be wearing my eyebulbs to the door when I give out the candy. On the porch sits Jack, face carved in a grimace and his innards spread out in front of him in a frozen chunk-blowing image. When I offer up the goods, it will be on a tray with poor Yorick, my resident human skull with a red candle melted onto his head, sitting in the middle. Pictures will follow after I get them developed (yep, no digital yet).

    The eyebulbs:

  • Sirona

    Tried to put a pic up but did it wrong...sorry!

  • joelbear

    I went to a party Saturday night and dressed as myself 17 parallel dimensions away. My name was Eljo. I was dressed kina clockwork orangish.


  • mommy

    Hehe alot of devils here I am wearing my horns tonight, and I even have a tail Miranda is a cat, just finished the makeup so she could wear it to school. Dana, Timmy has the mask with fake blood running down it...very scary! The only thing I am worried about is he is 4 years younger than your 10 year old, are you saying this may not be healthy? lol

    I have a full night planned for them, including the dorm...thanks to Mommie Dark's suggestion. Last year we had candy for over a month, this year I am hoping to beat that. Of course when they were younger they were more willing to share lol. Now I have to be sneaky about getting it.
    wendy(wondering what I will do when they don't want to go trick or treating) I am having more fun than them.

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

  • TR

    I'm dressing as a scarecrow/dummie that will sit haphazardly on a bench on the front porch. I've done it before. The kids think I'm a real dummy(not too hard too imagine!)until I suddenly sit up and offer them some candy.

    Now, It's scared the shinola out of some little kids, so I stand ready to hand out the candy when they show up. The funniest was when a group of high school kids came to the door. I generally have the porch lite off, with several lighted pumpkins for that eerie effect. One high school boy walking down the sidewalk said to the others, "there's no one home, the light is off." Another boy said, "There IS someone home, look at the pumpkins and the dummy on the porch." So they proceeded up the walk to the porch, then up the steps. Just as one kid started to punch the doorbell, I jump up and yell: "DO YOU WANT SOME CANDY?!" I shit you not, this group of HIGH SCHOOL kids yelled and hauled ass back to the sidewalk. Then I said in a more normal voice, "well? you still want some candy?" They were actually hesitant at first, but as they calmed down and headed back up to the porch they all started giggling at their own fright.

    That was so good, I'm doing it again this year.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • peaceloveharmony

    hi all. happy halloween

    i went to a party last saturday night, dressed up as a little devil. (thanks tina for the horns!!!) i love halloween parties and seeing everyone in costumes. what a fun holiday! i have pics from that night and if i get them scanned in a timely fashion, i'll post some here.

    happy haunting!


    Most people think, Great God will come from the skies, Take away everything And make everybody feel high. But if you know what life is worth, You will look for yours on earth: And now you see the light, You stand up for your rights.~~Bob Marley

  • safe4kids

    TR...that is too funny!! I wanted to do something like that this year but opted for the nicer route instead...just wait'll next year tho!!!

    (((Tina))) lololol...i can just picture you in your horns, what a great mental image! You rock, Tina...love ya much!

    Wendy, the left over candy doesn't seem to be much of a problem around here...I can't imagine why! As for the healthiness of the fake blood, etc...I have no clue! I just know that Justin is as excited as he can be about it...maybe it's a boy thing??

    All the rest of you yahoos....I have one word for you:

    PICTURES!!!!! I wanna see pictures!! If I can get someone to take some of us, and then if I can get someone to help me figure out how to post them, I'll share too!

    Happy Halloweenie Y'all!!


    "...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."

    Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You


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