Actually, the Center for Science in the Public Interest has been after the FDA for Thirty (30) Years since 1978 to do something about the reduction of salt in processed foods. They even sued the FDA in court in 1983 and again in 2005.
The FDA is just now holding a "hearing" on "whether and how to limit or otherwise reduce the salt content in processed foods."
It's the Medical Community that are pressuring the FDA now, The American Medical Association.
"The American Medical Association says that 150,000 lives could be saved in the U.S. annually if salt in processed foods and restaurant foods were cut in half." (High Blood Pressure, Stroke, Heart Disease)
Seventy Seven (77%) percent of American's sodium consumption comes from processed and restaurant foods. Not the salt shaker as everyone imagines.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend a limit of 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day. Americans are eating twice that at ONE MEAL.
Denny's Grand Slam Breakfast has 4,460 mg of Sodium. Swanson’s Hungry Man XXL Roasted Carved Turkey Frozen Dinner has 5,410 mg of sodium.
Of course, if the FDA gets a move on and regulates the Salt Content of processed's going to put the Marketing Community into a hurried rush to jump on the band wagon and label foods as "HEALTHY" because the salt will be reduced.
I was looking at my instant coffee (which i keep on hand when i don't feel like making a whole pot) and it is labeled as "0 Trans Fat" When the hell did Coffee have fat in it????