To begin with, I'm moving out of my apartment because my roommate is messy and irresponsible. 2 months ago, I asked him if he was able to find another roommate, and we were able to get to one shortly. Between then and now, I have made the necessary arrangements, and I will be moving out within a week. However, I will be staying 5 days into this month. The person replacing me wants me to pay my 5 days of rent and his application fees and administrative fees. First, I told him okay but he has to pay half of the fees. But then after thinking about it, I later told him he has been basically living here already with his girlfriend and so he should pay the 5 days of rent. He objected saying I have been using his wireless internet, which I haven't, and I've been eating his food. My argument was its the community fridge, and I don't want to even get into arguing over that because it ridiculous. I told him okay, but now I'm having second thoughts. (My roommate always has these people over, his girlfriend, the guy replacing me, and his girlfriend, who is my roommate's girlfriend's sister, and their brother. Its like they live here half the week. And they all leave a mess, where I have to say something to get them to do anything. I'm a neat and orderly person. The guy moving in even has his bed here already in my roommate's room and he's using my bathroom.) What should I do? I don't think I should pay anything because he was going to move in during the summer anyway. He would've had to pay those fees in due time. Its his choice to move in. Like I told him he has been living here basically half the month to see his girlfriend.
Should I pay up?
by tsunami_rid3r 19 Replies latest jw friends
If he has already moved in, you shouldn't have to pay and 5 days come on? Talk about nitpicking. Why should you pay any of his fees for moving in? Even if you agreed to the 5 days rent, his fees are his responsibility. That simple, but you already agreed to pay it, so you have put yourself in the bind there. I would suggest you keep your word, since you already said you would pay it. Just live and learn for next time.
Between then and now, I have made the necessary arrangements, and I will be moving out within a week. However, I will be staying 5 days into this month. The person replacing me wants me to pay my 5 days of rent and his application fees and administrative fees. First, I told him okay but he has to pay half of the fees.
Pay the 5 days rent that is only right. He should pay the application and administrative fees himself after all the application is going to be in his name, your name is going off the rent app.
I would rather live in a park than have roommates, but since that is not what you did, I don't think you should pay anyone shit. You could have just left without offering anything. Your courtesy is good enough.
You should pay 5 days of rent.
hard question........ first off i wouldnt pay crap but you did say you would........ so get revenge. if theirs anything good in the fridge....... steak........ beer........ 2 day old pizza...... take that s*** with you when you leave lol. he should pay his own damn fees tho for sure. room mates can sooo take advantage but only if you let them so do what you feel is right. you dont owe them crap for 5 damn days.
horrible life
I agree completely with Bikerhic. You do owe for 5 days. The fees? Hell No, You/I Don't Owe. LOL You can quote me. Just make sure your name is off of everything. Everything.
And, if you did eat, anything of theirs, even it they suck up all of your groceries, figure out a very very fair price, and pay up, as you walk out the door, with your last load of stuff.
When you leave, you can hold your head up, that you are an honest person, with integrity, and the losers that are left, will probably get evicted soon. They sound like they are made for each other. A slob, and a shyster.
Congrats and Good Luck on your move!!!
Pay the 5 days. You will feel better about yourself when you do this. Unless you are just another loser. Paying the 5 days is diddly squat, but it puts you in a positive light. Oh, and screw the rest.
Should I just not say anything, but only pay the 5 day rent directly to the office? Leave the rest up to him.
I'd leave them a check or money order so you have a record...just in case.