Would anyone like a free Home Bible Study?

by Billy the Ex-Bethelite 13 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • lisavegas420

    I've had two bible studies since I've lived here, where no one knows me. The first "J" lasted almost 2years, some weeks I was busy, (I do have a real life) but it was nearly every week or every other week. Finally toward the end, I showed her the letter from the UN, and asked her what all the hubbub was about, as it didn't make any sence. That was our last visit. (I never went to the meetings, because I was busy in the evenings, and on weekends is family time. That was always my excuse, and the truth.)

    A year or more went by, I ordered "what does the bible really teach" and a sister came to make sure I received the book I ordered. I started a study with her, and tape recorded all the visits. I asked her about "J" she said, that she hadn't seen her in a long time, that maybe she moved away, but that she didn't come to the meetings. This sister "L" gave me her email address so I could write her with any questions I had, She ended that real quick..she said she was afraid she was confusing me, and if I couldn't find my answeres on the wt.org site, she would answer them when she came to my house, (if we had time after the study, which of course we never had time)

    It's been a year since I've heard from "L" the last email I wrote her, I said "lets just study straight from the bible, lets start with the gospels". Haven't seen or heard from here since. A few times, I've come home to find mags stuck in my door. NEVER when we are home, ONLY when there are no cars in the driveway.

    As a side note, I ran in to "J" the first sister walking her dog at a local nature reserve. We passed, stopped looked back at each other, I said, "J" she said, "Oh hi, well, nice seeing you." and she was gone. It happened so fast, I didn't get a chance to gather my thoughts, I went back daily for two weeks after that hoping to see her again, but never did.


  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    I'm down with that Billy, please send them my way one Friday or Saturday morning!

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Well I gave a fake name, no number and am probably moving soon anyways.

  • inbyathread

    If one is inclined to 'start a study' in this way, just log into the societies site and find their 'interested one' area to request a visit. If you don't want your computer IP address recorded you could sign up using another computer. I.E. Most libraries have internet access now. Just a thought.

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