Well done on the Private Eye front Joe. I will be interested to see if they pick up on it.
I would hope that the CC can do something with this case to put pressure on the WTS.
by Viva la Vida 76 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Well done on the Private Eye front Joe. I will be interested to see if they pick up on it.
I would hope that the CC can do something with this case to put pressure on the WTS.
Well, just spoken to a Private Eye journalist (she called me back from my e-mail). Did my best, gave some links, and she seemed to be interested. Two issues, the 'safeguarding' and the financial stuff re recent financial arrangements re shift of KH titles to HQ etc.
If anyone else wants to add to this (and I think you should if you can) and has good information that could be used regarding the 'two witnesses' rule, financial stuff, etc., send an e-mail to strobes@private-eye.co.uk
Well done, excellent idea.
I am still in, so I'm not sending any emails.
But if you would care to pass these on in my behalf, I'd really appreciate it.
According to Jwleaks, the letter is publically available.
See this thread, and click the link Jwleaks provided for the letter download..
"jwleaks 2 years ago
JW LEAKS has published the written submission, and annexures, made by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Australia to the "Inquiry into the Handling of Child Abuse by Religious and other Organisations" and dated April 9, 2013.
Included is a copy of the October 1, 2012 Body of Elders letter on the handling of child abuse. This places the letter into public domain and now means it can be shared internationally."
Link to scan of the letter here:
And this article contains everything from a 9 month independent investigation:
If you can think of any.other agencies/ news outlets, please pass these on to them.
Got to go. Best of luck ;)
Where was the instruction that only the GB can define who is and who is not a 'predator'?
That was the Oct 1st 2012 BOE letter that got Cedars' blog suspended for a while.
He discusses it here, but you'll have to go elsewhere to download the whole thing:
Edit: here's Barbara Anderson's article on it, who helpfully mentions at the bottom that the letter is now in the public domain, thanks to the Steven Unthank inquiry:
The letter:
I just posted the link to it ;)
This is the infamous october 2012 letter, which states that they decide who is a predator and that only a 'known child molester' will never be an elder again. It is now in the public domain, and Private Eye and other investigators (maybe even the Charity Commission) need to see this...
Joe G, contrary to your self-effacing remark in an earlier post, you so do not prattle on; you make complete sense and have brought so much thoughtful commentary to this thread. Many thanks!
Thanks for your input Joe Grundy.
I too think that the arrogance of the WT leaders will lead them into trouble.