Are you afraid?

by YoYoMama 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dan B
    Dan B

    "I am a JW and I have very meaningful life"

    How one defines a meaningful life is very subjective, sort of like happiness or contentment. What may be meaningful to one person, may be a complete utter waste of time to another. I don't think any of us can really comment on another's consideration of what is meaningful.


  • DazedAndConfused

    I think that one of the first things I would look at is the possibility of a panic disorder. I know that many with panic disorders are inordinately worried about things, ie. terrible things happening, death, etc. If you are truly concerned about this I would suggest possibly having a talk with your Dr. Another thing I would consider is the religion. I know, that sounds a bit off the wall since JW's teach that there is no hell and that the promise is to live forever on a paradise earth or going into nothingness. But if you really think about it, they are no different than the other religions that they talk about. It's been so long since I have been active so I can't remember exact wording, but they talk about how other religions use tactics to keep their flocks in do good or endure hellfire forever. They do the same thing basically, but in different words. They say things like 'You MUST do this or that or you won't make it into the new system.' And they go onto things like 'If you don't make it think of the family and friends you will not greet and enjoy forever in the new system'. Things like that are no different for people who are living thier whole lives for that one goal in mind. Remember the scripture they use? (Paraphrased) 'You can do all that you can, then PROBABLY you MAY make it' Same thing as the hellfire doctrine but worded differently.

  • Bridgette

    Oh, I see you've already answered. A pretty good thread with a thought premice.
    You asked: "I thought since many here do not believe in a resurrection or the Bible, what are your thoughts on death?"
    I believe, having observed nature and read many holy writings, (including the bible), that death is change. It is the ultimate change that we in this realm face, and so many, understandably find this frightening. Especially when one is brought up with the Christian/Judeo view of death (one chance only), one is very much afraid--all the time--of everything.
    Dying, I'm sure is unpleasant. As is birth, I'm sure. They are very much alike. Birth: you are unceremoniously and arduously cast out of the only environ you know or can remember. It is warm, loving, familiar. You are born cold, shivering, frightened. But then this realm welcomes you and acclimates you to this existence. You work on your business here---which is to learn to love. Unconditionally, yourself and others.
    Then again, perhaps we all just evolved out of some primordial soup and this is it. No rhyme, no reason, other than those we manufacture to explain our existence. You're still reborn. Earth, in fact, the entire universe is one huge recycling center. Your molecules; your essence will be dispersed into the ecosystem to rebuild new life.
    If you're a JW, god is gonna kill all the baddies (by current estimates, app. 6 billion people--that's your neighbors, your neighbor's kids, your elementary school teachers--their kids, etc. oh and it doesn't matter what kind of good things they've done--if they're not baptized as Jehovah's Witnesses, they're bird food), and preserve all the goodies. The WTBTS is gonna make all the rules in the "new world"--you'll have to go through all this again in a thousand years after their brand of "paradise" begins.
    Hmmmm.....of all the JW's I've known (and I've known many), their teachings, their presentation of God--I simply cannot get too remorseful over the loss of that. If god really wants people to weep and gnash their teeth at the prospect of not being Jehovah's Witnesses when he unleashes all hell, he should make their religion and people something worth gnashing and weeping over.
    So, in answer to your original question: no. Not afraid of death.

  • Billygoat


    I am more afraid of spiders than I am of death. Blech. If God has the ability to do ANYTHING - why couldn't he have made them pretty or cute?!?!

    Seriously, I do not have a fear of death. Like others I have a fear of pain that could lead to death. I'm allergic to pain! But death itself I do not fear. I think it will be a peaceful state.


  • JeffT

    I am not afraid of death. As mentioned above the thought of dying under some horrible circumstance is frightening, but that is the process, not the end result.

    I believe that I will be with The Lord upon my death. However I also think that here and now, living a full life is important. If you ever get a chance read a short story called "Cautionary Tales" (I think that was the name of it) by Larry Niven.

  • JanH


    I am more afraid of spiders than I am of death. Blech. If God has the ability to do ANYTHING - why couldn't he have made them pretty or cute?!?!

    You heathen! Spiders are CUTE!

    - Jan
    "Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets

  • Adam

    I've gone skydiving, spelunking, rapelling, backpacking. I was always more scared of getting seriously injured than of dying. Sitting here in my air conditioned office building, I am more scared of growing old and feeble than of dying. Like Jim Morrison said: "No one get's out of here alive."

  • nelly136

    I'm not afraid of dying just the method,the fears/nightmares have faded now.
    The last time I really had any was after the birth of one of my children, my mum told me my dad couldnt see the point of even looking
    in the pram at his granddaughter because there was no point getting attached to something that was dead already.Luckily it was only a brief glitch and the nightmares of armageddon passed pretty quickly, guess hormones can have a funny reaction after giving birth.
    I saw a watchtower and awake a whiles back
    and counted the words fear in one paragraph, there were 20 of them
    it wasnt even a long paragraph, and there were numerous references to death in that one segment, I guess if I was still reading that stuff day in day out I'd be as preoccupied with dying as I was as a kid. Until I was 6 we lived down the road from a fire station and every time the siren went off for a shout of a night time it scared the hell out of me because I thought armageddon was starting and I was going die, I didnt ever think I'd have been good enough to get through it,
    such is life

  • nativenyr23


    Just because one chooses not to remain in the organization does not mean they don't believe in the Bible. I feel MANY of the people here DO believe in the bible; they just choose to not have their interpretations of it DICTATED to them.

    Now, you say you're a JW and you're afraid of death. Why? If your faith is what it "should" be per the WT, you should have nothing to fear. Perhaps your fear stems from an uncertainty you should explore further. Listen to your heart. God gave you the ability and intelligence to research and draw your own conclusions.

  • ISP

    YoYo....I would be afraid if I was still an active witness. I don't know any witness who is confident that they will survive Armageddon. Even within the Org. distinctions are made between those who are particularly 'spiritual' as oppose to the average JW.


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