I would like to know if any of you were ex-district overseers or other "heavy" men in the organization and what made you leave?
Any ex-district overseers here?
by YoYoMama 14 Replies latest jw friends
Dan B
"I would like to know if any of you were ex-district overseers or other "heavy" men in the organization and what made you leave?"
I was about 15lbs overweight when I was a JW. Does that count?
No ex-D.O.'s that I know of at present but there's a lot of ex-elders
and ex-Bethelites here. Some of us knew GB members personally
and are directly familiar with some the Society's darker secrets.I concluded some years ago that the Society's doctrines had no
support in logic or the scriptures but I stuck with it because
I thought it still was the purest expression of Christianity
available. Since then, I kick myself for being such a complete
fool for so many years - Witnesses can be incredibly good at
covering things up. Read Crisis of Conscience and you'll be
astounded at how much publishers don't know about the Watchtower.metatron
I am a currant district overseer.I live on the side of a mountain,and from way up here you can see the whole district.
Yo Yo,
There is one former didtrict overseer who posts her occasionaly. His name is Maximus.
You might want to look at the FreeMinds cite at the bottom of this page. Randy Watters, the cite owner, tells his story about working at Bethel. Also, Jim Bowen was a presiding overseer until about a year ago. He created SilentLambs which is also shown at the bottom of this page.
Isn't that Bill Bowen? I think there are some others on other sites: Ron Frye?
Is Ron Frye Maximus?
Maximus is not Ron Frey.
I had a gray moment. It is Bill Bowen.
Well...I could have been a district overseer...but my application came back stamped..."No Women Allowed!" Go figure!
"...but my application came back stamped..."No Women Allowed!" Go figure!"
Had, it's called, "...woman must wear the invisible burqua" clause and you have no choice but to "wear" it if you wish to remain in good standing.