anyone here have a thyroid condition?

by orbison11 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • orbison11

    ok, so i have this lump on the right side of my neck, bout half the size of a golf ball, though you really cant notice it unless i point it out

    a year ago i had a biopsy,,(for cancer),gosh, if i knew ahead of time how they were going to do it , dont think i woulda shown up lol

    anyway,,i think i have a thyroid conditionl,,,cold,,tired,,and found out daughter takes med for a thyroid condition

    any here have it? thanks


  • evita

    I have a small nodule on my thyroid. My doctor found it 17 years ago when I was pregnant with my first child. I had a needle biopsy at the time and everything was fine.

    I have it checked every year and also my thyroid levels. Everything has been fine up until now. I went in Friday for the routine check. They now use a sonogram to check the size. My doctor said it had increased in size about 20 percent. So I had to have the needle again. Man, that sucker hurt and they did it three times. The nurse was really nice and held my hand through the whole procedure.

    My doctor says it's unlikely to be cancerous but he just wants to err on the side of caution. Still, I'm nervous till I get the results. Meanwhile, my thyroid levels are completely normal.
    Go figure.

    Hope your situation gets resolved soon.


  • flipper

    ORBISON- I have a slightly underactive thyroid which I take a low dosage pill for each day to speed up my metabolism . No lumps though, not serious. I certainly hope you get some good medical help with your condition ! Good luck ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • LouBelle

    I have a rather underactive thyroid. I was diagnosed when I was about 12, but was very lazy in taking my medication.

    It trully is a pain to lose weight, I eat healthy most days, I exercise my butt off and if I lose a whole kg for the month that's good going - people that aren't effected tend to think I use my underactive thyroid as an excuse (those that don't know me anyway)

    A thyroid problem can cause growths as this is the gland trying to compensate for the underactiveness. It's called a goiter. The best bet is to go for a blood test, T3 & T4 but another thing they need to check out is your petuity (spelling) gland in the brain - to see if that is functioning properly.

    If you have a thyroid condition - you'll feel lathargic, perhaps a little down, cold, insomnia, thirsty, a womans' period will be irrigular....if you google it there is a ton of info.


  • MissingLink

    This can be tricky to diagnose. My wife just found out she has a thyroid problem. It took quite a while though. The initial blood tests came back with normal thyroid hormone levels. In her case - she had antibodies that were un-doing the work of the thyroid hormones. She's on medication now to sort it out.

  • UU Now
    UU Now

    You definitely need to see a doctor.

    My thyroid is underactive ("wearing out" is how one doctor put it). I take a pill every day and I mostly feel pretty good, but as someone else posted, it's very hard to lose weight. If you end up on thyroid meds, be sure to read the directions carefully. For example, I'm not supposed to take any other meds for an hour after I take my thryoid med, or take calcium supplements for several hours afterward.

  • WTWizard

    Those small lumps need to be tested. They may be tumors, even though they are probably benign. Of course, the "cure" for thyroid cancer is often worse than the disease (these days, the "cures" are often worse than the disease with a lot of diseases). Discussion of a cure for cancer is beyond the scope of this forum, and one is advised to seek competent help.

    Sluggish thyroid, on the other hand, is more common. One suggestion I might make is to see how much soy oil or soy protein you take on a regular basis. It is hidden in many foods like meat flavored sauces, stuffing, and some fast "food". Hydrolyzed protein is often soy, and textured protein is also soy. Besides the effect on your brain from the glutamate, these contain sizable amounts of isoflavones that are known to impair the thyroid and impede absorption of nutrients. I would suggest reducing or eliminating foods that contain soy products, except lecithin, for a period and see if the condition improves.

    The other thing I recommend for thyroid sluggishness is coconut oil. If you have a problem in this area, I suggest taking 2 tablespoons of coconut oil a day, possibly in place of other cooking oil, for about a month. Doing this should give you more energy if indeed your thyroid is sluggish, because it feeds the gland. The worst side effect is possible mild diarrhea, which is from candida die-off (the stuff produces monolaurate, which kills candida yeast but leaves good bacteria alone). These episodes are not severe and usually leave one feeling more cleansed.

    If this doesn't work, then you might still have to take meds or get other causes ruled out. As I have seen other threads on this forum about diseases in the past, I must advise that no forum is a substitute for a good medical examination. But, one can get advice on managing a diagnosed condition or on avoiding unnecessary medication once diagnosed. And, as I generally advise with this sort of issue, I suggest a Google search on coconut oil and examination of at least three independent sources before taking my word for it.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    my Dad had an overactive thyroid . He lost thirty pounds ,was cold all the time , felt disoriented at times , and he said it felt like he was choking when he swallowed . They gave him radioactive treatment to kill the thyroid . Now he has to have it monitered once a year and is doing fine .

  • Angharad

    I've just found I have an underactive thyroid.

    I had been going to the doctor on and off for years in the UK because I was always exhausted and had zero energy, they just said you work, you have kids, you study of course your tired - basically go away.

    I went for a physical at the doctor in Canada a couple of weeks ago and within 3 days I get a call to go back in, blood test have shown I have an underactive thyroid and very very low levels of vitamin B - both of which cause tiredness. One little pill a day and I'm alraedy feeling much better, I'm not falling asleep by 4 in the afternoon.

  • BurnTheShips

    My wife just had to go through radioactive iodine therapy 2 weeks ago to correct hyperthyroidism cause by thyroid nodules.

    But there are still issues.



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