Is it okay for JW to lie? for what reasons?
Is it okay for JW to lie?
by averyniceguy 16 Replies latest jw friends
NO, I never lied as a JW.
Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
Yes. Not on an individual level, like 'yes I gassed up the car dear' but didn't really.
But in defense of their way of life they are to lie. They call it 'war strategy', and in the case of doctrine-new and old, and claims against their leaders (UN, pedophile, Mexico scandals) they follow their leaders and talk talk talk while knowing none none none of the facts.
Like I once said, 'no no sir, I don't know or care what Russell believed, what he believed doesn't matter to me, I don't follow men, he wasn't a Mason or a 7th Day Adv. . .what's that sir. . .why would that matter? It doesn't matter, nor does it matter that they had a Christmas tree at Bethel, wait how do you know that sir? are you an Apostate???'
Did they have a Christmas tree at Bethel ??
To the world: Yes when protecting the interest of the Organization
To those above them in the Organization, no
If they consider it "Theocratic Warfare," they feel justified to lie their @$$es off.
The elders in Sister Fokyc's congregation will lie about almost anything.
They lie their best when protecting each other, then they will lie to anybody, and in writing too.
They lie to the branch office and they lie to the visiting brothers including the Circuit Overseer.
They are some of the most prolific liars I have ever met!
Mrs Smith
Did they have a Christmas tree at Bethel ??
Yes, there was aphoto posted somewhere with the room decked in Christmas streamers etc. An invitation to the Christmas supper for the Bethel family as well. Does someone have it?
There is a picture of it in the Jdub organisation behind the name book, perhaps someone can scan it...not me though. I threw that sh*t out ages ago.
Look up their definition of Lie in the Aid book, just google that question and there are also some references in a few wt's too.