Watchtower's annual Christmas edition - such hypocrisy!

by ozziepost 74 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Guest01210

    I am currently allowed 2 posts so better get as much in as I can before *poof* ... I'm gone again :)

    Yesterday, at this time I was allowed 75 posts so I guess I did a real big faux pas, but I digress ...

    ozziepost declared in his first post on this thread .. "yet each year they publish a Christmas edition of the Watchtower magazine."

    My whole point has been to say that there is no Christmas edition ... this year!

    In the December 15 Watchtower 2007 there is a two page topic called "Can A Pagan Holiday Be Made Christian?" This can hardly be considered a special Christmas edition, as ozziepost declares. The article is on pages 8 and 9 with no fanfare thus purported. The title alone doesn't even mention Christmas so one would have to be really looking.

    By the way, ozziepost, this article isn't even a featured presentation. Maybe in future, you will actually know what is in the magazines before making such bold claims/attacks.

    Actually, you've done the WTS a service by being so dogmatic. Now many will want to see this magazine just to see if you are blowing hot air.

    Have a good one :)

  • carla

    Now many will want to see this magazine just to see if you are blowing hot air.----- Yes, all the apostates will want to see this and rip it to shreds word by word as they do every week with "Comments You Will Not Hear". Personally I appreciate the apostates who do that because I can hardly get through the ungodly evil drivel the wt puts out and I can get a quick review of what nonsense my jw will be reading.

    As for the public wanting a wt or any other jw propaganda, haven't you figured it out by now that if the public takes it, it is only because they are too polite and politically correct to decline it to your face? The minute you leave their door they file it in the circular file. The wt should be ashamed of themselves for all the paper they waste peddling their trash.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    The wt should be ashamed of themselves for all the paper they waste peddling their trash.

    Indeed. I find it interesting to look back on my 'former life' as a Jw - and a damned good and faithful one - of 40 years + , and wonder how I swallowed that drivel and propoganda. I would actually spend more time reading Karl Marx than I would WTS crap any longer.

    I hope that all those people that are now eager to read that WT now [according to Guest] will at least use it to line the birgcage or recycle it.

    Jeff [of the save a few trees where we can class]

  • Guest01210

    Actually, there is no bad publicity!

    Many readers .. lurkers .. whatever .. will accept a copy of this magazine now.

    Once in the hands of anyone with a bit of interest ... who knows.

    So in a round about way, this site is helping do what it says it does ...

    All are welcome to discuss beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    That pretty much does it for me for another 24 hours ... but ... I'll be back ......

  • OnTheWayOut


    He hit-and-ran on you

    How disingenuous you are! Some people have real lives to lead and in different timezones.

    Perhaps you are right. So none of us should accuse anyone of "hit-and-run" tactics
    including the poster who made this claim of Guest01210:

    10 posts out of 10 all hit and run spoilers.

    Perhaps the same could be said of him.

    Ozzie, I sent you a PM in accordance with Posting Guideline #11.

  • ozziepost

    Enough already!

  • 144001

    I have to laugh at "Guest's" continuation of this meaningless discussion. Guest, let's assume you're right now, so we don't get distracted from other issues you failed to address in your lame effort to advocate the interests of the Watchtower cult. How about the abuse and exploitaiton of children facilitated by the Watchtower corporations? How about the wholesale destruction of families caused by the unreasonable mandates of the boards of directors of the Watchtower corporations? How about the loss of life attributable to the senseless prohibition of blood transfusions by this cult? Apparently, you'd much rather debate whether Ozzie's first post really referenced a "Christmas issue" than address the U.N. scandal or any of the far more serious issues associated with the Watchtower cult. I don't blame you; the Watchtower's despicable exploitation of people for monetary gain is pretty indefensible; no wonder you choose nonsense as your topic of debate.

  • Guest01210

    144001 .. are you seriously suggesting someone go against policy here and change the direction of ozzieposts original topic????

    Your words "no wonder you choose nonsense as your topic of debate".

    Now, that is rich.

    Wonder if ozziepost agrees with you that his topic is nonsense ;) ... LOL ...

    Good one!!!!

  • onacruse


    Enough already!

    I agree.

    imnvho, this has, in large part, become a matter of assuming that ozzie has, as a moderator, chosen to edit and/or delete the posts that he found offensive to his original intent and content. I say rubbish! How do any of you know who edited what, or why? Insinuations, suspicions, distrust, etc. This has become nothing less than a mod-bashing thread.

  • Guest01210

    Has OTWO been deleted?

    He defended me and now he's nowhere to be seen.

    I see OTWO as a fair and honest man and hope he isn't paying the price for stepping up to the plate on my behalf.

    OTWO .. if you are allowed to post .. please do.

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