ATHEISM - Better World When Christian Are Gone?

by writetoknow 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SickofLies

    PRO TIP: You can link to an article instead of posting it's entire contents in a thread.

    PRO TIP(2): Read your message and use a spell checker before posting.

    Have fun!

  • 5go
    PRO TIP: You can link to an article instead of posting it's entire contents in a thread.

    Yeah put links like this instead of cut and paste. The only problem being no one will bother with it but they weren't going to read it anyway.

  • Trygon

    writetoknow just leave the athiests alone. There are 7 Christians for every Athiests. No matter how many Athiests say they want to destroy religion they will almost always fail. This world is still has 95% of its population as religous people. A minority does not beat a majority. There is no point on going on about how Athiests will take over the world and destroy religion because it just won't happen unless through a event brought about by massive changes, but even then there is just as equal a chance that a religion ends up on top too. Really Athiesm is just another belief amoung the hundreds in this wacky world we live in, and just like all these beliefs it seeks to out do all others.

  • monophonic

    "maybe the human race deserves to be wiped out" - bruce willis in 12 monkeys.

    not even reading the long-ass post, since the subject heading is prejudice.

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    atheism is NOT a belief! it's a non-belief, goddammit!

  • Caedes
    writetoknow just leave the athiests alone. There are 7 Christians for every Athiests. No matter how many Athiests say they want to destroy religion they will almost always fail. This world is still has 95% of its population as religous people. A minority does not beat a majority. There is no point on going on about how Athiests will take over the world and destroy religion because it just won't happen unless through a event brought about by massive changes, but even then there is just as equal a chance that a religion ends up on top too. Really Athiesm is just another belief amoung the hundreds in this wacky world we live in, and just like all these beliefs it seeks to out do all others.

    Oh no, I think write to know is a good example of what happens when reason forsakes the debate.

    On to your points, so what does the fact that there is a large majority of theists tell us about the veracity of theist claims? Nothing, a majority of people used to believe that blood letting was sound medical practice, does that make it so? No.

    How many atheists have you heard stating they would like to destroy religion? Please provide evidence. A conservative christian website is not exactly an unbiased source if you were going to use write to know's c+p job.

    Atheists as a group (not that there is any such entity) are not attempting to destroy religion, individual atheists are attemting to hold up theism to the light of reason. Why? Because too many theists think that 'my god told me to' is a valid basis for destructive foriegn policy/ blowing innocent people up/ killing doctors for working in an abortion clinic/ killing people for just being atheist/ I'm not going to give you a job because you don't share my faith... I could go on but I'm sure you get the point by now.

    What worries atheists (at least the ones I've talked to) is not theism itself but the fact that fundamentalist theism is on the rise. None of the atheists I've talked to are interested in destroying religion, there is a big difference between that and hoping that religion is replaced by something more rational.

    If you think that religion would end up on top in any kind of power struggle (In the UK at least) then you need to read more English history, people have a long history of fighting the power of the church.

    No atheism is a lack of belief, it is based on reason and rational thinking and empirical evidence. All of your 'wacky' theistic belief systems can be lumped together as faith in the supernatural.

    If you can provide evidence that backs up your belief system then I will quite happily state you are right and I am wrong, I don't need to outdo your belief system because no theistic belief system has done anything yet, no theistic belief system has proven anything about theistic belief.

  • serotonin_wraith

    Trygon, I remember a topic in which you were concerned about Muslims getting special treatment in the UK. You were opposed to it, even though Islam is a religion, just as Christianity is. You spoke up (and good for you, why not?). I don't think you want Muslims killed, or their religion banned. You just want equality, a fair system. You don't want their beliefs affecting you. Now that's exactly how atheists can feel about Christianity (and other religions). You do understand where we're coming from, it's just harder to see it when you are in the group that is being spoken about.

  • Liberty

    Religionists are so brainwashed by their own violent history of oppression that they don't understand rational statements. Even the most radical speaker at this conference never came close to advocating the killing of Christians, the language was very clear to rational people that atheism should replace Christianity in the same way Steady State Geology was replaced by Plate Tectnonics. No ardent Steady Staters were killed in the process, scientists don't kill their opponents they convert them with evidence or leave them to their blubbering insanity.

    You are all still welcome to believe in a Flat Earth or that the World is only 6000 years old because scientists don't kill people if they continue to believe in things that have no good evidence. A lot of hulabaloo about nothing.

    People are people, Christians are sometimes crazy, violent, and evil and Atheists are sometimes crazy, violent, and evil but I have never seen any evidence to suggest that Christians as a group have a lower rate of these human defects than Atheists or any other religion. Thankfully the vast majority of the world's population is relatively peaceful and reasonable regardless of their beliefs or lack of belief.

  • writetoknow

    My poop poop smells better then yours!

  • Paralipomenon

    It is an part of human history to exploit others for personal gain. To date religion has been used as an easy means to do this.

    I think removing religion would just make people find another means to exploit others.

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