Flooding Imminent

by bebu 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunspot

    Sorry to see that you are in the midst of this! I was thinking the same thing about the LACK of water in one place and such an over-abundance of it in another.

    I sure hope it slows down and subsides VERY soon for you both, Bem and Mulan!



  • hubert

    Bebu, Sorry you are going through this.

    Do you have a sump pump in your basement? Do you have "french' drains?

    If so, check to see if there is anything in the bucket. My pump got blocked one year, and I found a sock in the impeller.....To close to the washing machine.

    I hope you can stay ahead of the water problem.

    How about a wet/dry vac? Those are handy. We got one and even with the pump, occasionally have to use it, also. (No bigger than 5 gallon, or it will be too heavy to lift when full, when you pour it out).

    Hope hubby gets home okay, too.


  • skeeter1

    It's flooding in Pakistan? LOL. Stay dry. Skeeter

  • mavie

    The creek behind my place...close to flooding my crawl space. I'll be fine. Rain is supposed to taper off tonight.


  • bebu

    Thanks, all. Hubby got home jes' fine.

    Mavie and Mulan, hope you guys don't have any troubles.

    Spent the day getting certain things out of the basement and off the floor of the garage. And then made a huge dinner from leftovers. It was like Thanksgiving.

    A friend of my son's has had some misfortune. They have only lived in their new apt. for a month or two, and they got flooded quite badly. No insurance.

    Tomorrow is the big day for peak levels, I understand. I hope we hold out. I'm holding my breath! (turning blue, not green)


  • orbison11

    well thenm you might be on vancouver island,,they are getting 260 ml ,,or is that cm,,,hahah never could figuire out the metric system here in canada,,,,,i am of the older generation,,


  • JeffT

    We used to live in the Snoqualmie valley. River got high a couple of times a year. Every couple of years we got stranded for 24 hours or so. We learned to live with it. but it can really be a bummer.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Stay safe and as dry as you can bebu (plus anyone else who's in danger)

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    We had flooding in some parts of Eastern Australia 2 days ago...cars under water, many emergency calls.

  • bebu

    Last night my older son wanted to "hang out" with his girlfriend, whose family lives in the worst part of the flood zone here. He insisted on going, saying that they had moved everything upstairs and were just hanging out. Finally he walked over, and got there around 9:30 pm.

    At about 11:00 I got a call from his mom, who said that their home was only 200 yards from a dyke that was expected to flood, and there was no way to get my son home. I told her that he needed to HELP her!!!!! She was grateful to be "allowed" to use my son to help out. Turns out that the kids were "hanging out" but the parents were stressed to the max.

    This morning I got a tearful call from the mother. Her first floor is completely floooded; their 2 cars have washed away. The flood hit a record level and it is stil in "major flood" stage. I encouraged them to come over here to stay. I HOPE THEY DO. I'm so sorry to know that there's a lot of families that are suffering right now, like them. I also hope my son has had a huge wake-up call about life, that it's not a party for hanging out... I'm just glad it wasn't a real life/death situation for them. Floods are emotionally difficult for those who experience them.

    Oh, and we didn't flood (obviously, if I'm going to take on boarders). We took a couple of hours to prepare, though. The river near us is starting to recede a little. The rain here is very light. At present!


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