The wierdest thing happend to me at work today!!!!!

by changeling 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    I was at the front desk (can't tell you what I do, as I'm a fader). I get a call from a company that works closely with us.

    The lady says: "I have a client here that needs an_____, but he wants a Jehovah's Witness."

    I answered: "Funny thing you should call here at this time because I used to be a JW. Tell your client I am "inactive" but "in good standing", he will know what that means. Is your client from out of town?", "No, he's local", she said. "Oh, well tell him I used to attend -------- ----------Cong. and that my Dad is still an elder there".

    She took note of all I said and took my cell phone number. She sounded a bit embarressed and said:"I''ve never had anyone ask me anything like this before".

    Guess what? They haven't called me!

    The only other witness in this area who does what I do is DF"d. So I guess they gave their busuness to a "wordly" person.

    Sorry part is, their prejudice cheated them out of a really good ________ ___________!

    In the area I used to live I worked closely with a __________ ____________ who was a regular pioneer. She had many witness clients. However, I saw her work ethic, she was awful. I would never refer anyone to her.

    It's sad that people can't see that being a witness does not make you good at what you do for a living.

    Is it wrong for me to wish they get screwed??????????


  • nvrgnbk

    Is it wrong for me to wish they get screwed??????????

    Not at all.

  • carla


  • sweetstuff

    They already are screwed Changeling! They have to go to the KH every week.

  • JK666

    You're better off without their business!

    I feel that it is better not to work for JW's (most are bad payers), nor hire them (shoddy work, and when in the Borg, you couldn't sue them).




    What JK said.

  • Tara


    you're better off without them. Maybe I'm paranoid, but could it have been a ruse to see if you'd say something incriminating about them or yourself?

  • changeling

    Tara: the thought has crossed my mind.


  • changeling

    Tara: I hardly ever answer the phones. It was very "coincidental".

  • nomoreguilt

    How would they know to ask for a JW at YOUR work??? DO doDO doDO do, sounds like a set up dear.

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