The UN scandal matters to me for several reasons. One: if one of the lay people had allied themselves with a governmental agency for any reason (even to save their own life i.e., the brothers of Malawi), they would have been disfellowshipped. That is a blatant double standard.
Two: why were the lay people not informed of their alliance with the UN? We can only guess that it is because they have, for years, since its inception decried the UN as the Beast of Revelation. Any religious organization using the UN to further their agendas was likened to a harlot on the back of said beast. However, this does not apply to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society? Why? How can that be?
Three: They just lied. Or at least witheld information. Lay people have been disfellowshipped for "covering over sin" or not revealing wrong doing. Should the corporation be held to different standards? If so, why? This organization demands total obedience from its adherants, even to death if called for. Should an organization who has been caught in dishonesty be entrusted with yours or your children's life?
Four: I simply want the UN and governments to know how they are being portrayed in the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses. I have no problem with them existing as a religion, a corporation or a group. I DO, however wish to see them kept honest. Their lay people are HIGHLY discouraged from asking questions or becoming educated about anything outside the organization. I would like to see the media pick this up, so that these silent prisoners of conscience can privately obtain this information. What each one does with it, would be their choice, but please, let a little light in on it.
My two cents,