undercover, I'm sorry. I always forget to think in terms of Watchtower "light" when I read scripture. :-)
Where is scripture about letting each observe his own customs?
by Jez 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
stumble means to cause them to lose faith.
The above definition of the word "stumble" is not the dictionary definition. It is the JW definition, but I assume you know that.
"The above definition of the word "stumble" is not the dictionary definition. It is the JW definition, but I assume you know that."
I know it's not the dictionary definition. I did not know it is the JW definition. I've never been a JW.
So now I guess we need to look at "lose faith".
The way I understand Paul's admonition is that we should not do anything so egregious as to confuse a weaker brother to the point of him losing faith.
In other words we need to lovingly watch out for one another.
At the same time "...let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a sabbath." Colossians 2:16
So if I'm not doing a good job living up to Paul's admonitions in Romans 14:13-23, no mere man has the right to pass judgment on me for that.
As Christians we all do what we do according to our understanding and our faith. If we do what we do "to the Lord" (Romans 14:1-8) that's all God asks of us.
Every one of us needs to be "fully convinced in his own mind".
I can't tell you what you need to do to be fully convinced and you can't say what I need to do.
Why would the WTS try to tell people how they need to act? I don't think it's Biblical for them to try to do that?
Oh yeah, I forgot. They are not mere men. :-) -
"LIVE AND LET LIVE." 1 Sentience 1:1