i read in an old 1963 WT article that if one is living imorally....when they dedicated themselves to Jehovah (privately/publicly)...that they will need to be "rebaptized" since Jehovah may not have accepted the dedication...any chance I can ride this one?.....maybe get them to strip me of my title of a baptized JW allowing them to think I fully intend to be "rebaptized"...what do you guys think of this alternative to DA/DF? I was baptized in March2007. I heard that this article is not outdated and can still be valid.
Some interesting news....
by Faithful-n-Discreet Wife 12 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome to the board
It's a good theory, but not sure it would fly...
Wordly Andre
I don't see why not, sounds like their kind of thinking, loop holes, new light, etc. ha ha ha
Don't think so. The only way that they will *stripp* you of the title JW .. is by DA or DF.
The second baptism is for people who return to jehovah after serious immorality, or something. They were pretty vague about it when I asked about it. (When I was baptised I was asked if this was my forst or second time, I asked details and they were vague).
I think they would disfellowship you for reading a 1963 Wac Tower. They would consider that apostate litterature because of the vintage. That was a whole different crew and different light phase back then.
Besides you should never point out what the Wactower previously said to an elder or committe, that would be like hearasy or blasphemy.
Think about it, if you could live your life by vintage Wactowers you could take blood transfusions and not die for refusing blood. You could celebrate X mas and birthdays.
You see how rediculous it would be refering to a Wactower that was a year or so old.
Dont they teach about the ever changing new light in your congregation?
I hope you can see how loving Jehober, the god of confusion is.
I think you have "30 days" to recind your first baptism. Too bad you missed it.
Oh, and welcome !!
F&D Wife. Don't even bother.
Jaguarbass wrapped it up perfectly! -
What they published in 1963 should hold up if it hasn't been changed. But they'd probably hold a judicial meeting to determine if someone was really "immoral" or not. And you probably are well aware of the danger of such judicial meetings, often leading to ostracism.
I've too often see the elders pick and choose what they will use (whether from the Bible or from a publication), based on how much they like a person or whatever their mood is at the time they're considering a case.
OH and don't forget, the organization is run by holy spirit !!
horrible life
Faithful, If you leave this abusive situation, why do you care if you are disfellowshiped? Nobody that you knew, past 1 year ago, was a JW. It seems like there is something else, besides your husband, that is making you want to hang on to this religion. This has all been a whirlwind year. You have had the highest high, with love, and the lowest low, with being roped into a cult, and an abusive husband.
If there were any way to turn back time, I would do it for you. (I would do it also for myself!) I know that life is not all about finding a mate, But..... while you are sitting on the fence, wanting things to be different, your husband will NOT change his religion, and will NOT back down. The man of your true dreams, could be passing you by. But you won't know it, because you are sitting at home, looking up old watchtower cult crap, trying to not get thrown out of a cult, that you don't agree with. And nobody but the JW's care, and besides that congregation, nobody knows you.
I know you love this man, but you don't have any children, (Thank your lucky stars!!) (Think Garth Brooks, singing Unanswered Prayers) It is not like you have 20 years invested in a marriage. It's not like you have put his sorry ass through medical school, and you are now reaping the benefits, of living the good life. This man will NOT change. Even if you did everything right, he was still belittling you.
I know it is your heart that is breaking, but you need to pick yourself up, and make a decision. Either go back to sure Hell, or take a chance, that you will meet a REAL PRINCE. They are out there. They are more plentiful than you think. Just look at Big D, for example. He is looking for a nice woman, and he has 3 (?) boys. There is nothing wrong with an already made family. So much love to be had, and given. Privacy to be Lovers with kids around, in a new marriage? Oh YES!!!! You make time!!!!
Big D, is just an example. There are lots of single men out there. You have to raise YOUR standards. They will then start coming to you.
Get off the fence, pick yourself up, get a cheapy divorce, go to bed, and wake up, to a bright new day. Put the ONE year of your life out of your mind, and chalk it up to love gone wrong. It did not ruin your life. Your good life has yet to begin. ( Thinking of the movie Ground Hog Day ) LOL
Aren't you the "vixin" that "seduced" this "honorable brother"? I'm am sorry but I think that only wt penis people get these loopholes.