Well I know one thing looking at that statue....David would never pass SweetStuff's test drive!
Life after the Cult.
by whyamihere 19 Replies latest jw friends
I'm thankful for the "worldly" friends I made while I was still being forced to go to meetings, as well as those friends who left the cult at the same time I did. All are still friends, decades later.
Well I know one thing looking at that statue....David would never pass SweetStuff's test drive!
LMAO! Nope, he wouldn't, that's like tits on a bull, useless.
I'm grateful for the beauty of life, my family, and every day spent out of the borg.
Those that are left behind, I feel sorry for, they'll never experience anything "real."
Very true, my greatest sadness if for those that are in; it has been such a pleasure to finally be free.
I think the best thing has been figuring out who I really am and not being ashamed of it.
After that, I'd have to say finding out that there really are people who can say they care about what happens to you and mean it.
I am thankful I didnt kill anybody wife or son by denying medical care and that we are all out of the tower now.
I'm truly thankful every day - every day I drive past the KH and I see people driving in on a hot sunday afternoon and I think to myself - I have the freedom to tan by the pool !!!!
I'm thankful for getting out while still young, knowing I have got so much living to catch up and so much to do.
I love life, I love my family, the few friends I've made since coming out.
I'm so grateful my brother and follow his natural born talent with cricket and football and can partake in competitions and get to live his dream.
I'm just so happy - REAL HAPPINESS
Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
Great thread.
I'm thankful that I no longer live with guilt. No guilt for the meetings I went to, because I didn't really want to go. No guilt for getting there late--we always worked until 6-630 and would arrive late consistently, but we thought we should go and were made to feel like losers for going late. I though being there counted?!?
The constant guilt was painful emotionally, I'm grateful it's gone.
I love this site!!
I am thankful that I get to keep helping my best friend on her way out. Best feeling in the world next to doing the same for my kids.