Re: Blood- Society sent letter saying: DO NOT SHARE THIS INFO. WITH OTHERS
by Lady Liberty 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
AK - Jeff
They state that there 'are no sanctions' against those who take blood.
They have made sure that 'technically' that is fact. Jehovah's Witnesses will not expel you for that. Or so they say. BUT if you do so, you are considered to have expelled yourself, as in disassociated yourself. So, as they twist it, you have voluntarily left due to choosing to ignore the doctrine. Same with those who join the military.
Kinda like asking the person standing against the wall, shall I shoot you with the left barrel or the right? If you choose the left barrel you are executing yourself and I have no guilt in it.
Definition of "Sanction" per Webster's II New College Dictionary:
n. 1. Authoritative approval or permission. 2. A measure, as moral pressure or a fine, imposed to ensure compliance or conformity. - v. To give approval or: authorize.
Of course they are going to say the one taking Blood is disassociating yourself by the action. But if you do not agree to disaccociate yourself then they do not have the permission or authority to do so BECAUSE there are "NO RELIGIOUS SANCTIONS".
So if someone was to take blood and the Elders annouce that you are "No Longer a Jehovah Witness" , yet in you had told the Elders that you are not giving them authority or permission to make such an annoucement; Then it would seem to appear to be slandering you because you are just being an "individual being free in his or her choice".
I doubt if Dennis Lindberg's Aunt knews about this, but perhaps it could have given her a different understanding or perhaps he would he have been better off living in Bulgaria rather than dying in the US.
Peace & Love,
To add to this. Now they have changed the Blood policy world wide to a don't tell policy. The new policy is if a witness is seen taking a transfusion the brothers are not to look into the matter. They can openly do something about it if the person admits to the transfusion. No matter how many people know they are told by Bethel they can not investigate.
So what about the person the informs the Elders they are suppose to be told, Thanks for telling us know BLA, BLA, BLA by the way do not tell others about this.
Added note the ELders can not ask the person if he or she has had a transfusion. He or she has to tell on themselves. Even when this happens they have a chance to repent.
If they don't, they are then disassociated because they told on themselves.
"In 1998 a case involving Jehovah’s Witnesses in Bulgariawas given attention by the European Court of Human Rights. What led up to it? The Bulgarian government had deprived Jehovah’s Witnesses, as well as some 20 other religious groups, of legal recognition. An appeal to the Bulgarian Supreme Court had been denied because, among other things, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not believe in the Trinity and in other non-Biblical doctrines of Christendom. This led to arrests, the breaking up of meetings for worship, and the confiscation of religious literature. The European Court urged Bulgaria to settle matters with Jehovah’s Witnesses on a friendly basis. As a result, in October 1998, Bulgaria again gave legal recognition to Jehovah’s Witnesses. This made it possible to send four missionaries from the 106th class of Gilead to Bulgaria to assist the local publishers in sharing the Kingdom good news with the people there." (Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses 2000, p. 24)
This leads to the impression, JW were somehow persecuted because they rejected the Trinity. The blood issue was just included into "other things".
They have made sure that 'technically' that is fact. Jehovah's Witnesses will not expel you for that. Or so they say. BUT if you do so, you are considered to have expelled yourself, as in disassociated yourself. So, as they twist it, you have voluntarily left due to choosing to ignore the doctrine. Same with those who join the military.
Exactly Jeff, I posted the quote below regarding this in another thread. Reading the documents it seems you can have a blood transfusion in Bulgaria without 'sanctions' but elsewhere you will get 'sanctions'. The reality is you will be 'sanctioning' yourself if you willingly have a blood transfusion!
In reality there was no 'deal' with Bulgaria though was there? They were just plain dishonest just to get their religion recognized. Instead of being disfellowshipped anyone taking blood willingly would be classed as having disassociated themselves ie the same result! Theocratic warfare at its best or should I say worst!