I do not know how important the new wts gov bod membes are today. Are they or who are the most important people nowdays?
Who is the most important man or big shot in the wts nowdays?
by Fisherman 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
bethel promoted the horizontal ladder .... but in effect T. Jaracz is the Cult Leader. What he says goes. No one else really has any say regards internal politics. The Branch Committee cordinates non spiritual items.
I thought jaracz was responsible for the UN scandal. You telling me they left that idiot in charge. That'd be par for course .
T. Jaracz is old and yes, he has the ultimate word. But don't underestimate Gerrit Loesch. He has a natural instict for power and he surely has a fair share in influencing Jaracz.
Phil -
I certainly hope that Loesch does have plenty of influence. He's a dumkopf and can lead them into disaster. He wanted to ban watching
football in congregations.
Word is...Sam Herd is the one to take over after Jaracz dies.
I don't understand why any one cares. Are you folks still Jehovah's Witnesses? If so, you should leave.
Well JR Brown seems to be the most visible
I don't understand why any one cares. Are you folks still Jehovah's Witnesses? If so, you should leave.
There's all sorts of reasons why someone may care:Some of us have an intellectual interest in the many quirky American religions that sprang up during the 19th century. Some of us are associated with the JW faith indirectly, via a spouse. Some have left, but hope the JW faith can be reformed from some of it's more hurtful practices. Some haven't left and hope that the JW faith will make some needed changes.
The devil!