US students do worse in science and math
by beksbks 14 Replies latest social current
It's true. 5 out of 3 students tested in the US won't do as well as students in other countries.
The good news is that there has been no change since the last test in 2003. Woohoo, USA, USA!
Wait, what?
We're doomed.
Some of the other countries don't drag their scores down by educating those who might not do well.
The US supposedly believes that ALL deserve a chance at education.
Some don't learn as well as others, thus the scores are lower.
Some of the other countries don't drag their scores down by educating those who might not do well.
The US supposedly believes that ALL deserve a chance at education.
Some don't learn as well as others, thus the scores are lower.
What imaginative nonsense!
The USA scored lower because the quality of its education system is lower, not the inherent quality of its students.
I thought it was geography
5 out of 3 students tested in the US won't do as well as students in other countries.
Rising Eagle? You are in the US, aren't you?
Exactly Derek. The top score for science was in Finland, Canada came in 3rd.
That's because schools spend their time teaching students to pass a standardized test. In Alabama, high school students must pass a graduation exam to graduate. We were the first class to take it and I passed it at the beginning of 11th grade. I didn't really learn anything new my senior year. I made straight A's and took alot of naps. Now students have the option to go for an advanced diploma. Wish we had that when I was still in school, I might've learned something.
I wonder how the numbers would be if only the academic top 10% only took the test. That would probably change the results. Everyone can't be an achiever. Somebody has to work at Wal-Mart and McDonalds.
My questions would be: What are average class sizes. What do teachers get paid. What portion of the federal budget goes to education. What percentage of families have two working parents. What is the homework standard. What percentage of the population is below the poverty line Etc. etc.
It's true. 5 out of 3 students
That is more than the amount of students. LOL
I am still laughing. I hope I can stop. 5 out of 3 times I get tickled I laugh for days.
Some one hit me please.