Gifts that scream cheap or are just plain irritating!!!

by free2beme 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • bluesapphire

    Snoozy, maybe it was supposed to be a gag gift. Why would she do that, being your friend? Maybe she's here? Helloooooo, cheap girlfriend, are you here? Tell us why you did that!

  • bluesapphire

    Snoozy, why would she do that? maybe it was supposed to be a gag gift. Maybe she's here:


  • R.Crusoe

    Buy a woman a cheap gift and a multi pack Ccard! If she likes you she will stick around. True test of whether she likes you!

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    The receptionist at my company got a christmas gift from her boyfriend one year, that was a big glass ball with a rose inside of it, it looked totally cheap and like something he picked up at a gas station.

  • primitivegenius

    yo Snoozy i woulda regifted it to her the next year.... cept i would either wash it and put it back in the same box......... or leave it in the same box so she knows its EXACTLY as she gave it to ya.......... then let her have egg on her face the next year.

    she will either realise what an idiot she was OR it will turn into one of the funniest gag gifts ever to be used EVERY YEAR.

    my mom and dad got an anniversary card one year that extolled their virtues and how wonderfull they were and said that its the hardest thing to find another couple as awesome as them........ but not to worry........ they could send the card to them next year............ so thats what they did untill there was no more space for the "happy anniversary....... signed dick and jane"

    PS have you ever gotten .............. lottery tickets................ i mean wtf they cost a damn dollar and 99.9% are worthless....................... but theres that chance................... yeah right.

  • Gregor

    I think the term "cheap" should be put into perspective. The financial means of the giver should be taken into consideration. It's the thought that counts (Hey, I think I just created a neato saying!). I have received gifts of little pieces of colored paper glued onto another piece of paper with "I love Grandad" scrawled in crayola on it. Priceless.

    As far as irritating gifts I think they can be unintentional. My sister once gave our mother a very nice sweater. Mother blew her stack because the sweater had wide, contrasting horizontal stripes that she felt sis should have known it would make her look fat. They didn't speak for weeks.

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    I don't worry about bad Gifts, If I don't like them, I give them to people I don't like. lol lol I just give money, that is what they want.


  • zamora251978

    my friends and I do little wish list. We know each other well so we usually know what the other likes.


  • Hortensia

    my friends and I just do consumable gifts - food or homemade soap or that sort of thing. Ramona

  • darkuncle29
    home made soap that you don't like

    Oh NO! Say it aint so. I'll agree that alot of soap is crappy, but those aren't my soaps.

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