I'm going to date myself on this and I suppose many of you will also. It never ceases to amze me on the stand the wts will take on the latest fads or styles. When Chubby Checker came out with the Twist the wts had to come out and do their thing. TOO SUGGESTIVE THEY SAID. HMMMMM, compared to what we see today on regular TV, the twist was rated G.I liked to TWIST, was good exercise even for a kid.LOL
How about the fifteen cent hamburger? According to the local dubs,"being so inexpensive it must have BLOOD in it. I was about 11 when they came to our area, I ate them anyways.
DISCO!!! OMG, don't do THAT! Donna Summers, John Travolta, Saturday Night Fever, NO NO NO.
Smurfs. Give me a break! Demons, yada yada yada.
School Dances. Absolutely NOT. Bad associations spoil useful habits. Right. I had alot of Bad Associations at the hall.
School Sports. Alot of good talent was never developed.Wasted.
COLLEGE. You won't need that higher learning, the new system is right around the corner. Pioneer, do the lord's work, you'll have your reward one hundred fold. And now , what kind of living are you making? What skills do you have now? Career advancement?
Class reunions. OH, don't go there. You might regenerate those old feelings you had for someone of the opposite sex.
I hope I brought back some memories for you all. That was my intent of course. I hope not all of you had bad memories of this, some did, I for one. But, even then , I was a rebel. I did all of it with the exceptionof college. my parents couldn't afford it. However, my sister carried a 4.0 average, graduated second in her class. She could have had a scholarship to many schools. But, alas, she pioneered and married a loser dub. After 35 years of marriage, she's just a secretary and he won't keep a job. Both still very righteous dubs.
This was fun relating, hope you all enjoyed it. Carry on friends.