I just love this website!

by sweetstuff 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • nomoreguilt

    I too love this place. You are all fantastic." In our image', male AND Female image. Set that before the elderettes! I love it, will use it to my advantage, ty.

  • sweetstuff
    Set that before the elderettes!

    Oh the elders don't want the elderettes thinking about that one too much, lol!

  • nicolaou

    You might also like http://www.evilbible.com They've got a forum too at http://www.evilbible.com/BB3/

  • sweetstuff
    You might also like http://www.evilbible.com They've got a forum too at http://www.evilbible.com/BB3

    Cool, checking it out now, thanks Nic!!

  • avishai

    Well, the bible writers screwed up by leaving the whole copper serpent thing in. The serpent on a pole was a representation of the hebrew goddess, consort of Yawheh, Asherah.

  • sweetstuff
    The serpent on a pole was a representation of the hebrew goddess, consort of Yawheh, Asherah.

    Correct you are, but then, they were probably too busy waiting in the bushes on the roadside for some poor innocent virgin to come along, to notice their booboo.

  • avishai
  • llbh

    Hi Sweetface y r a naughty a lady I have just been on that site - bookmarked it. i could have spent ages there.



  • dogisgod

    What great info. Thanks Sweetstuff!!!

  • jaguarbass

    And God said, Let us make man in our image.... So God created man in his own image,

    I think its more likely man created god in mans immage. Thats the way it is if you think about it.

    You know there is man/ woman. Theres no doubt.

    But you have to take a big leap of faith and over the edge to believe in mans creation. God.

    God, something youve never seen or touched or spoke to or have spoken back to you.

    At least litterally and realistically.

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