To each their own, the only proof I need for me personally that the bible is not inspired is...the bible itself. A good logical read thru it is enough, IMO.
Is it possible be blind? while seeing? Bible thumper read if you dare
by skyking 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
A good logical read thru it is enough
That's almost an oxymoron, isn't it?
A good "logical" reading of the Bible.
Deputy Dog
Please show me where this is taught in the bible
6. Followers were born-again through baptism in water.
I don't think you've done the work you claim
That's almost an oxymoron, isn't it?
A good "logical" reading of the Bible.
Leolaia and others;
Thank you all for the voice of reason.
When I looked at skykings lists, I nearly laughed myself off my chair. There were so many things that were outright lies and I was tired so I decided not to even start on the list.
I chose instead to address another post containing a website with false Claims made about the Apostle Paul (among other made up claims like Skyking's lists) saying that Paul believed in a seperate Jesus other than the Jesus the other Apostles believed in. That is not true although Pauls' relationship with Christ was unique.
To those who think I am saying not to look at contrary information against christianity, I never said that at all. I said I welcome contrary information. How would I make sure my faith is sound if it is never tested? But if anyone wants to truly know the basic Christian beliefs, they should go to the proper source, that is someone who will impart correct knowlege to them, not outright made up lies.
did you find any references for your statements about Jesus?
Peace, Lilly
Pauls' relationship with Christ was unique.
I agree, I think Paul had the hots for Jesus, now, seriously, follow me here. Paul was very devoted to Jesus, was pretty damn pissed that he appeared to women first, hence the whole, women should not speak in public, a man would be better to never even touch one, blah blah blah. I think Paul was gay, there I said it, I think he was gay. And his hatred or dislike of women stemmed from what I stated above. Makes sense, if you ask me.
That's not intended to "offend" any christians, I respect your right to have your beliefs, not slagging them, but this is what I honestly think.
just for your information. Paul was not even a Christian yet when Jesus appeared to the women after his resurrection. It was not until sometime after Jesus ascension to heaven that Paul became a Christian. So your assumption that Paul was somehow upset because he did not see Jesus first is off base as Paul was not around then. Just wanted to clear that up since you claim your last post was not tongue-in-cheek but rather what you honestly believe.
Peace, Lilly
Lee Strobel addresses this issue in his newest book, "The Case for the Real Jesus" in Challenge #4: "Christianity's Beliefs about Jesus Were Copied from Pagan Religions."
Yes, if you want impartial information on the bible you should talk to a Christian minister, that is truly a impartial source of information. I love the fact that the sources posted to debunk the article are clearly posted by Christian apologetic websites that are about as accurate and reliable as the history taught by the WTS.
If all you bible humpers and Jesus lovers out there are so convinced that he really existed then why not produce some proof of your own, or site academic sources that can refute the claims instead of religious sources. The fact is not respectable historian or archaeologist would claim that their is irrefutable or even strong evidence for Jesus existence.
Explain to me this idea being promoted that not believing in Jesus or the bible is somehow JW thinking in disguise? It seems to me that accusing people of still being like a JW is a favourite tactic of religious people here, which is ironic, since it is those who defend religion and the bible that allow groups like the JW's to exist without being challenged.
If you are still religious and believe in the bible how can you prove that you are right and the JW's are wrong? Is it not all a matter of interpretation? If it is than the JW's have a completely valid point of view that is no better or worse than any other Christian religion. Other than the blood doctrine there is nothing that the JW's teach or believe that isn't shared by some other Christian religion out there.
So go ahead and give me a list of academic books that you have read that support the idea that Jesus was a real historical person so I may be enlightened.
Well as a athiest I am sure you can provide us Christians with solid evedence that Jesus did not exist.
The coin has two sides my friend.