Sherry- What a scary thing for your son to go through. Thank god he had quick reflexes and grabbed that cable ! I hope he can heal up well and be able to thank his lucky stars and exhale now ! As you know being a parent myself to a loving 22 year old son, and mt daughters 20 and 19. If I lost them I don't know what I would do. I agree we should not take for granted our love we can give our children, appreciate life while we have it. Peac sis, out, Mr. Flipper
No Excuse to Shun Families - Almost Lost my Son Today
by Gretchen956 23 Replies latest jw friends
I'm so glad you had a happy ending to that story! You are so right. And in your sons honor, as a mom myself,I am offering my hugs to all the shunned sons and daughters. Please give your boy a hug for me!
Barbie Doll
SHERRY--- I am happy your son is ok!!! He is so lucky , that it's only a torn muscles in his Shoulder.
I know what it is like, to almost lose a son. My son had three blockages in his heart. He had surgery. He is doing better now. I hope your son well get better soon.
cognizant dissident
Yes, I think every parent reading your post had their heat in their throat for a moment! Glad it wasn't a tragedy. A near tragic accident really brings close to home the possibility of life without a loved one. Every child is precious. Every moment we have with our loved ones is precious.
Cog ( of the "never shun anyone class")