YIKES. It is too late to run to the store for contact solution! Any suggestions on how to save the contacts? Can I put them in water overnight or vinegar?
My daughter just ran out of contact solution HELP
by Jez 20 Replies latest jw friends
I have used water once in the past while traveling, but I spent two days disinfecting them before I felt safe about wearing them again. Fortunately I have glasses
Yikes I googled it and I think you're screwed!
Is there anyway she can put them back in and take care of them tomorrow when the stores are open?
From what I saw I don't think you'll want to put them in anything else, bummer!
I googled it too, and we decided to put them in cold clean water. Open a new pair tomorrow morning. Buy solution. Then keep the older pair in the solution for a few weeks. I will go talk to her optomitrist tomorrow. Just don't want to waste $20!
I googled it too, and we decided to put them in cold clean water. Open a new pair tomorrow morning. Buy solution. Then keep the older pair in the solution for a few weeks.
Sounds like a good solution haha!
I thought maybe those were her only pair, hopefully you won't loose them and the $20 and can buy xtra solution to keep on hand for always. LOL
Whatever you do, never rinse your mouth with Listerine before you remove your lenses for the night.
Distilled water will work, but your eyes will sting in the morning. And yes, keep an extra bottle on hand.
Yah, the little stink had 2 bottles in the closet, I saw them everyday. HOWEVER, she failed to tell me that they were EMPTY.
Needless to say,we had a little discussion about her responsiblity. I threatened her with, "Maybe you are too young to take care of contacts if you can't even tell me when your solution runs out, perhaps back to glasses is the way to go"
Sucks don't it? At least she is at home with a new pair. The other's should be fine given a couple of days in disinfectant. I have even rejuvinated dried out lenses!! Have you seen them? They're crunchy. I've been wearing soft contacts for 27 yrs. Not the same pair of course! It's ok to rinse them in water before putting in your eye, doesn't feel as good, but it works.
Nathan Natas
"Field expedient" saline solution:
1. BOIL one quart of water. Let it boil for at least 5 minutes so it is sterile. Cover it while it is boiling and let it cool to room temp without taking the cover off.
2. Add one heaping teaspoon of salt. For this use, kosher salt is best, but table salt will do if it is all that you have. Stir the salt to disolve it, then let it sit for 15 minutes so that any insoluable particles will settle out.
3. Use the solution near the top of the container. As soon as you can tomorrow, put the contacts into REAL contact lens solution to disinfect.