We Change the Organization!

by metatron 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Who brings about moral change in the organization?

    WE DO!

    We, who are called "apostates", "opposers" and the
    ETHICAL FASHION! Really, "we" always have!

    Would the Society still slander and defame individuals
    unless someone like OLIN MOYLE forced them not to?

    Would the Society still, in effect, invade people's
    bedrooms, interrogating married publishers about oral
    sex - unless individuals rebelled and stopped them?

    Would Bethel still be the miserable sweatshop it was in
    the '70's - unless "unfaithful" brothers created such
    a crisis that change had to be made?

    For a certainty,ETHICAL CHANGE COMES FROM US! It can't be
    THE WATCHTOWER SOCIETY ALONE! Why not? Please consider:

    Suppose Brother Naive discovers something the Society
    is doing that is unethical (such as lies and hypocrisy
    about the United Nations). He asks an elder what to do.
    The elder tells him:

    "You don't understand the situation correctly"
    (we needed a library card, brother!)


    "It's just 'theocratic warfare'"
    (it's OK to lie)


    "wait on Jehovah to straighten it out"
    (forget about it, I'm not doing anything about it)

    Note that herein there is no real individual conscience
    at work here - only a collective sense of right and wrong
    that the Society permits, according to its needs.

    Thus, the lie/fraud/hypocrisy continues unabated - until
    somebody puts the information on the internet. Then,
    after some private disputation and handwringing, the
    Society is forced to withdraw its fraudulent agreement.
    Success is achieved because 'internet opposers' will
    accomplish what the conscience of 'faithful brothers'
    has failed to do - stop the lying!

    Now, who says God doesn't work in mysterious ways?


  • zev


    -The "Truth" is out there! TRUST NO ONE!

  • unclebruce

    Well said Metatron,

    Jehovah used to be kept in an old spice jar locked inside Fred Franz's Bethel sock drawer, (next to his plastic jesus and crystal balls) .. with his passing went any originality .. then again big brother had total control over the masses by then.

    "the more things stay the same, the more things stay the same" BroDroneLoudly.

  • Stephanus

    I've tried to get this principle through Fred Hall's thick head time and again when he berates Bill Bowen for his anti-paedophilia work: it is the apostates who force morality upon "Jehovah's Organisation"; that drive towards righteousness does not come from within, but from those the Tower rejects as evil - how paradoxical is that?

  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder

    The rank and file publisher, elder, C.O. and D.O. are unable to exert pressure for change/reform.
    Your analysis is basically correct. The formula for change in the WTS is something like this:

    1. External pressure applied via the media, governments, courts, medical community,
    former or dissident JW's.
    2. Embarassment within JW community
    3. Loss of prestige, money, recruiting power or potential liability.
    4. Awareness by progressive, moderate to liberal JW leaders of the need for change.
    5. Light "flashes up" in Brooklyn for the righteous ones.

    Very complex/sticky issues are changed gradually so as not to "shake up" too many
    of the organization.


  • Simon

    Yes, few higher up the organisation will push for change because of the risk it puts on their position that they have worked hard for.

    It's just like a big coporation where many think the best thing they can do is agree with their superiours until external market forces can no longer be ignored.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Congratulations Meta, Lee Elder, all here,
    A great topic! The cleansing process all begins with that essential first step: DISCLOSURE!
    And so much for all of this site's zits, so much of it began RIGHT HERE!

  • mommy

    Raising my coffee cup in a toast HERE! HERE!

    There was a point in time not long ago, I said let them be who cares I am out. And I honestly could not stand the thought of wasting time and energy only to meet head on with a empty eyed stare from an active JW. But you are correct that there have been changes. Look what happened with the Un...they had to withdraw. Now they are left picking up the pieces and scurring to cover the holes in the fortress.

    Patience is not one of my virtues, I will admit. But eventually one day this religion will no longer be able to drastically change lives.

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

  • Pathofthorns

    Nice post.

    If only the rank and file understood how it really works, they surely would be disappointed. It is pathetic that this system that claims to speak for God only reacts to pressures and problems to come up with "new light".

    Any organization that stifles thought and ideas in order to better itself and its members should be ashamed. It is the height of arrogance, but will ultimately be their downfall.


  • dmouse

    You are absolutely right Metatron.

    I find it amusing to look for evidence in the mags that the Society have been stung by opposers!

    WE are the source of new light for them, not God.

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