Wish I had a cooler name

by dinah 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    Igloo. That's a fine "cooler" name. :)

  • beksbks

    Who is this irresistible creature who has an insatiable love for the dead?

    What are you thinking about?

    With a one flat foot On the devil's...............................................wings

    Ohhh thanks Dinah, I love RZ. Saw him at Ozzfest, awesome!

  • dinah

    I saw your name and the first thing to pop in my head was:

    "tiny f'd a stump" special features on house of 1,000 corpses. It kills me.

  • bikerchic

    Well I know what you mean Dinah I bet people always sang "someones in the kitchen with Dinah...."

    I have a name with a song to it too so I know what you mean gets old real fast and the person singing it to you always thinks it's so novel!

    So how about a real cooler name like Coleman:

    altWith wheels how cool is that?

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    Makes me think of the Book of Bible Stories. . .Dinah Gets Into Trouble!

    Dinah's soundin' pretty cool now huh!?!?!?!!!!!!

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    The problem with the name Coleman is that you'd be forever confused with Gary Coleman. Decidedly not cool.
    I'm afraid you'll have to stick with Igloo. :)

  • dinah

    Trouble has Dinah's name all over it. Of course her brothers handled that all wrong. Dinah was not to blame IMHO. IDK, did she scream?

  • beksbks

    OH! I forgot, we're supposed to be making you feel better about Dinah. Ok, here is a pic of Dinah that I found on some site called "The Church of God Daily Bible Study"

    DinahHot, right? Ok, be happy.

  • Magick

    hi dinah,

    at least it's feminine.

    i wish i had done better with my name too. cuz ppl think i'm a guy...and/or they have preconceived idea of who i am.

    at least you are a cool 1972 collectible doll by Mego




  • bikerchic

    Oh sheese I thought she wanted a cooler name. I was thinking Igloo:


    Cool blue, guess not eh?

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